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24a. The Order of the Men of Ulster

The Order of the Men of Ulster

"Arise, O Findchad!" [said Conchobar,]

I Thee I send forth:

A negligence not to be wished (?);

Proclaim it to the chiefs of Ulster!

Go thou forward to Derg, to Deda at his bay, to Lemain, to Follach, to Illann son of Fergus at Gabar, to Dornaill Feic at Imchlar, to Derg Imdirg, to Fedilmid son of Ilar Cetach of Cualnge at Ellonn, to Reochad son of Fathemon at Rigdonn, to Lug, to Lugaid, to Cathba at his bay, to Carfre at Ellne, to Laeg at his causeway, to Gemen in his valley, to Senoll Uathach at Diabul Ard, to Cethern son of Fintan at Carrloig, to Cethern at Eillne, to Tarothor, to Mulach at his fort, to the royal poet Amargin, to Uathach Bodba, to the Morrigan at Dûn Sobairche, to Eit, to Roth, to Fiachna at his mound, to Dam drend, to Andiaraid, to Manè Macbriathrach, to Dam Derg, to Mod, to Mothus, to Iarmothus at Corp Cliath, to Gabarlaig in Linè, to Eocho Semnech in Semne, to Eochaid Laithrech at Latharne, to Celtchar son of Uthecar in Lethglas, to Errgè Echbel at Bri Errgi, to Uma son of Remarfessach at Fedain in Cualnge, to Munremur son of Gerrcend at Moduirn, to Senlabair at Canann Gall, to Fallomain, to Lugaid, king of the Fir Bolg, to Lugaid of Linè, to Buadgalach, to Abach, to Fergna at Barrene, to Anè, to Aniach, to Abra, to Loegaire Milbel, at his fire (?), to the three sons of Trosgal at Bacc Draigin, to Drend, to Drenda, to Drendus, to Cimb, to Cimbil, to Cimbin at Fan na Coba, to Fachtna son of Sencha at his rash, to Sencha, to Senchainte, to Bricriu, to Briccirne son of Bricriu, to Brecc, to Buan, to Barach, to Oengus of the Fir Bolg, to Oengus son of Letè, to Fergus son of Letè, to . . . (?), to Bruachar, to Slangè, to Conall Cernach son of Amargin at Midluachar, to Cuchulain son of Sualtaim at Murthemne, to Menn son of Salcholga at Rena, to the three sons of Fiachna, Ross, Darè and Imchad at Cualnge, to Connud macMorna at the Callann, to Condra son of Amargin at his rash, to Amargin at Ess Ruaid, to Laeg at Leirè, to Oengus Ferbenduma, to Ogma Grianainech at Brecc, to Eo macFornè, to Tollcend, to Sudè at Mag Eol in Mag Dea, to Conla Saeb at Uarba, to Loegaire Buadach at Immail, to Amargin Iarngiunnach at Taltiu, to Furbaide Ferbenn son-of Conchobar at Sil in Mag Inis, to Cuscraid Menn of Macha son of Conchobar at Macha, to Fingin at Fingabair, to Blae 'the Hospitaller of a score,' to Blae 'the Hospitaller of six men,' to Eogan son of Durthacht at Fernmag, to Ord at Mag Sered, to Oblan, to Obail at Culenn, to Curethar, to Liana at Ethbenna, to Fernel, to Finnchad of Sliab Betha, to Talgoba at Bernas, to Menn son of the Fir Cualann at Mag Dula, to Iroll at Blarinè, to Tobraidè son of Ailcoth, to Ialla Ilgremma, to Ross son of Ulchrothach at Mag Dobla, to Ailill Finn, to Fethen Bec, to Fethan Mor, to Fergus son of Finnchoem at Burach, to Olchar, to Ebadchar, to Uathchar, to Etatchar, to Oengus son of Oenlam Gabè, to Ruadri at Mag Tail, to Manè son of Crom, to Nindech son of Cronn, to . . . (?), to Mal macRochraidi, to Beothach, to Briathrach at his rash, to Narithla at Lothor, to the two sons of Feic, Muridach and Cotreb, to Fintan son of Niamglonnach at Dun da Benn, to Feradach Finn Fechtnach at Nemed of Sliab Fuait, to Amargin son of Ecetsalach at the Buas, to Bunnè son of Munremar, to Fidach son of Dorarè, to Muirnè Menn.

It was nowise a heavy task for Finnchad to gather this assembly and muster which Conchobar had enjoined upon him. For all there were of Ulstermen to the east of Emain and to the west of Emain and to the north of Emain set out at once for the field of Emain in the service of their king, and at the word of their lord, and to await the recovery of Conchobar. Such as were from the south of Emain waited not for Conchobar, but set out directly on the trail of the host and on the hoof-prints of the Táin.

The first stage the men of Ulster marched under Conchobar was from Emain to the green in Iraird Cuillinn that night. "Why now delay we, ye men?" Conchobar asked. "We await thy sons," they answered; "Fiacha and Fiachna who have gone with a division from us to Tara to fetch Erc son of thy daughter Fedlimid Nocruthach ('Nine-shaped'), son also of Carbre Niafer king of Tara, to the end that he should come with the number of his muster and his troops, his levy and his forces to our host at this time." "By my word," exclaimed Conchobar; "I will delay here no longer for them, lest the men of Erin hear of my rising from the weakness and 'Pains' wherein I was. For the men of Erin know not even if I am still alive!"

Thereupon Conchobar and Celtchar proceeded with thirty hundred spear-bristling chariot-fighters to Ath Irmidi ('the Ford of Spear-points'). And there met them eight-score huge men of the body-guard of Ailill and Medb, with eight-score women as their spoils. Thus was their portion of the plunder of Ulster: A woman-captive in the hand of each man of them. Conchobar and Celtchar struck off their eight-score heads and released their eight-score captive-women. Ath Irmidi ('the Ford of Spear-points') was the name of the place till that time; Ath Fenè is its name ever since. It is for this it is called Ath Fenè, because the warriors of the Fenè from the east and the warriors of the Fenè from the west encountered one another in battle and contest man for man on the brink of the ford.

Conchobar and Celtchar returned that night to the green in Iraird Cuillinn hard by the men of Ulster. Thereupon Celtchar aroused the men of Ulster.

Tochestol Ulad inso.

Ardotrái a Findchaid,


ní hadlicgi álsidi,

a fasnís do ócaib Ulad.

Ercc uaim co Derg co Dedad co imber, co Leamain, co Fallach,co hIllan mac Fergossa go Gabair, co Dornaill Féic co Imlár, co Derg indirg, co Feidlimidh mac Ilair cetaig Cualnge go hEllond, co Rochaid mac Faitemon co Rigdond, co Lug, co Lugdaig, co Cathbath co a inber, co Carpre, co hEllne, co Laeg co a thocur, co Geimen co a glend, co Senal Uathach, co Diabul n-Ard. Co Cethern mac Fintain, go Carrlóig, co Cethern co Eillne, co Tarothor, co Mulaig co a dún, cosin rígfilid co Amargin, cosin n-Uathaig m-Bodba, cosin Morrigain do Dún Sobairche, co hEit, co Roth, co Fiachna có fert, co Dam n-drend, co Andiaraid, co Mane Macbriathrach, co Dam n-derg, co Mod, co Mothus, co Iarmothus, co Corp Cliath co Garbarlaig ilLine, co Eocho Semnech i Semne, co hEchdaich Lathach co Latharnu, co Celtchair mac Cuthechair ilLethglais, co hErrgi Echbél co Brí Errgi, co hUma mac Remarfessaig co Fedain Cualnge, co Munremur mac Gerrcind co Moduirn, co Senlabair co Canaind n-Gall, co Follomain, co Lugdaig co rig m-Builg, co Lugdaig Line, co Buadgalach, co hAbach, co Fergna co Barrene, co hÁniach, co hAbra, co Loegaire Milbél co a breo, co tri maccaib Trosgail co Bacc n-Draigin, co Drend, co Drenda, co Drendus, co Cimm, co Cimbil, co Cimmin co Fán na Coba, co Fachtna mac Sencha co a ráith, co Sencha, co Senchainte, co Briccni, co Briccirni (i. fillius Bricni), co Brecc, co Buán, co Barach, co hOengus m-Bolg, co hOengus mac Lethi, co Fergus mac Leiti, co Mall arfíach arfénned, co Brúachar, co Slánge, co Conall Cernach mac Amargin co Midluachair, co Coinculaind mac Sualtaim co Murthemne, co Mend mac Salcholcan co a Rénaib, co tri maccaib Fiachnai co Ross, co Dáre, co Imchaid co Cualnge, co Connud mac Mornai co Callaind, co Condraid mac Amargin co a ráith, co Amargin co Ess Ruaid, co lLaég co lLéire, co Oengus Fer bend uma, co hOmgma n-Grianainech, co Brecc, co hEo mac Forne, co Tollcend, co Súde, co Mag néola co Mag n-Dea, co Conla Saéb, co hÚarba, co Laegairi m-Buagach co hImpail, co hAmargin Iarngiunnaig co Taltin, co Furbaide Fer bend mac Conchobair co Síl co Mag n-Inis, co Cuscraid Mend Macha mac Conchobair co Macha, co Fíngin co Fíngabair, co blae Fichet, co Blai m-Briuga co Fésser, co Eogan mac n-Durthachta co Fernmag, co hOrd co Serthig, co hOblán, co hObail co Culend, co Curethar, co Liana, co hEthbenna, co Fernéll, co Findchad Slebe Betha, co Talgobaind co Bernd, co Mend mac Fir Chualand co Maigi Dula, co hÍroll co Blárine, co Tobradi mac n-Ailcotha, co hÍalla n-Ilgremma, co Ros mac n-Ulchrothaig co Mag nobla, co Ailill Find, co Fethen m-Bec, co Fethen Mór, co Fergna mac Findchona co Búrach, co hOlchar, co hEbadchar, co Uathchar, co hEtatchar, co Oengus mac Oenláme Gábe, co Mane mac Cruim, co Nindich mac Cruind, co dipsemilid, co Mal mac Rochraid, co Beothaig, co Briathraig co a ráith, co Nárithlaind co Lothor, co da mac Feicge, co Muridach co Cótreib, co Fintan mac Neill Niamglonnaig co Dún da bend co Feradach Find Fechtnach co Neimed Slebe Fúait, co hAmargin mac Ecelsalaig Goband co Búais, co Bunni mac Munremair, co Fidach mac Doraire, co Muirne Mend.

Nira dulig ám do Findchad in tinól & in tóchostul sain rabert Conchobar riss do denam. Dáig inneoch ra bói ó Emain sair & ó Emain síar & ó Emain sathúaid, ra thoegat-saide ass a chetóir co fáitche i n-Emain ra costud a ríg ra bréthir a flatha & ra frithalim comergi Conchbair, inneoch ra bói ó Emain sadess no ra thaegat-side ass a chetóir ar slicht in t-sluaig & in ingenbothur na tánad.


In cétna uide bachomluisetar Ulaid im Conchobar: co fáitche i n-Iraid Chullend inn aidchi sin. Cid risan-idnaidem-ni so iter a firo, bar Conchobar. Anmáit-ni rit maccaib-siu, bar íat-som, ri Fiachaig & ra Fiachna lotar úain ar cend Eirc meic Feidilmthe Nóchruthaige meic th'ingini-siu, mac saide Carpri Nia fer, ar co tí collín a sluaig & a sochraite, a thinóil & a thochostail nar sochraiti-ni din chur sa. Tiursa brethir, bar Conchobar, nachas-idnaidiub-sa and-so ní bas mó, ná co clórat fir hErend mo chomergi-sea assin deón & assin chess irra ba. Dáig ní fetatar fir hErend inad béo-sa mad cose iter.

And-sain ra luid Conchobar & Celtchair trichu cét carpdech n-imrindi co hÁth n-Irmidi. Acus baralsat dóib and ocht fichti fer mór do shainmuntir Ailella & Medba, & ocht fichti fer mór do sainmuntir Ailella & Medba, & ocht fichti ban braiti accu. Básed a n-ernail do brait Ulad: ben braiti illáim cach fir díb. Éscis Conchobar & Celtchair a n-ocht fichti cend díb & a n-ocht fichti ban m-braiti. Áth n-Írmidi a ainm mad cosin, Áth Féinne a ainm o sain ille. Is aire atberar Áth Feinne riss, daíg con comairnectar inn óic féinne anair & inn óic féinne aníar cathugud & imbualad im urbrunni inn átha.





Tanic Conchobar & Celtchair for culu co fáitche i n-Irard Chullend inn aidchi sin i farrad Ulad.

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