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24. The Repeated Warning of Sualtaim

The Repeated Warning of Sualtaim

Now while the deeds we have told here were being done, Sualtaim ('Goodly fosterer') son of Becaltach ('of Small belongings') son of Moraltach ('of Great belongings'), the same the father of Cuchulain macSualtaim, was told of the distress of his son contending in unequal combat on the Cualnge Cattle-spoil, even against Calatin Dana ('the Bold') with his seven and twenty sons, and against Glass son of Delga, his grandson.

"Whate'er it be, this that I hear from afar," quoth Sualtaim, "it is the sky that bursts or the sea that ebbs or the earth that quakes, or is it the distress of my son overmatched in the strife on the Driving of the Kine of Cualnge?" In that, indeed, Sualtaim spoke true. And he went to learn all after a while, without hastening on his way. And when Sualtaim was come to where his son Cuchulain was, Sualtaim began to moan and lament for Cuchulain.

Forsooth Cuchulain deemed it neither an honour nor glory that Sualtaim should bemoan and lament him, for Cuchulain knew that, wounded and injured though he was, Sualtaim would not be the man to avenge his wrong. For such was Sualtaim: He was no mean warrior and he was no mighty warrior, but only a good, worthy man was he. "Come, my father Sualtaim," said Cuchulain, "do thou go to Emain Macha to the men of Ulster and tell them to come now to have a care for their droves, for no longer am I able to protect them in the gaps and passes of the land of Conalle Murthemni. All alone am I against four of the five grand provinces of Erin from Monday at Summer's end till the beginning of Spring, every day slaying a man on a ford and a hundred warriors every night. Fair fight is not granted me nor single combat, and no one comes to aid me nor to succour. Spancel-hoops hold my cloak over me. Dry tufts of grass are stuffed in my wounds. There is not a single hair on my body from my crown to my sole whereon the point of a needle could stand, without a drop of deep-red blood on the top of each hair, save the left hand alone which is holding my shield, and even there thrice fifty bloody wounds are upon it. And let them straightway give battle to the warriors, and unless they avenge this anon, they will never avenge it till the very day of doom and of life!"

Sualtaim set out on Liath ('the Roan') of Macha as his only horse, with warning to the men of Ulster. And when he was come alongside of Emain, he shouted these words there: "Men are slain, women stolen, cattle lifted, ye men of Ulster!" cried Sualtaim.

He had not the answer that served him from the Ulstermen, and forasmuch as he had it not he went on further to the rampart of Emain. And he cried out the same words there: "Men are slain, women stolen, cattle lifted, ye men of Ulster!" cried Sualtaim.

Again he had not the response that served him from the men of Ulster. Thus stood it among the Ulstermen: It was geis for the Ulstermen to speak before their king, geis for the king to speak before his druids. Thereafter Sualtaim drove on to the 'Flag-stone of the hostages' in Emain Macha. He shouted the same words there: "Men are slain, women stolen, cows carried off!"

"But who has slain them, and who has stolen them, and who has carried them off?" asked Cathba the druid. "Ailill and Medb have overwhelmed you," said Sualtaim. "Your wives and your sons and your children, your steeds and your stock of horses, your herds and your flocks and your droves of cattle have been carried away. Cuchulain all alone is checking and staying the hosts of the four great provinces of Erin at the gaps and passes of the land of Conalle Murthemni. Fair fight is refused him, nor is he granted single combat, nor comes any one to succour or aid him. The youth is wounded, his limbs are out of joint. Spancel-hoops hold his cloak over him. There is not a hair from his crown to his sole whereon the point of a needle could stand, without a drop of deep-red blood on the top of each hair, except his left hand alone which is holding his shield, and even there thrice fifty bloody wounds are upon it. And unless ye avenge this betimes, ye will never avenge it till the end of time and of life."

"Fitter is death and doom and destruction for the man that so incites the king!" quoth Cathba the druid. "In good sooth, it is true!" said the Ulstermen all together. Thereupon Sualtaim went his way from them, indignant and angry because from the men of Ulster he had not had the answer that served him.

Then reared Liath ('the Roan') of Macha under Sualtaim and dashed on to the ramparts of Emain. Thereat Sualtaim fell under his own shield, so that the edge of the shield severed Sualtaim's head. The horse himself turned back again to Emain, and the shield on the horse and the head on the shield. And Sualtaim's head uttered the same words: "Men are slain women stolen, cattle lifted, ye men of Ulster!" spake the head of Sualtaim.

"Some deal too great is that cry," quoth Conchobar; "for yet is the sky above us, the earth underneath and the sea round about us. And unless the heavens shall fall with their showers of stars on the man-like face of the world, or unless the ground burst open in quakes beneath our feet, or unless the furrowed, blue-bordered ocean break o'er the tufted brow of the earth, will I restore to her byre and her stall, to her abode and her dwelling-place, each and every cow and woman of them with victory of battle and contest and combat!"

Thereupon a runner of his people was summoned to Conchobar, Findchad Ferbenduma ('he of the copper Horn') to wit, son of Fraech Lethan ('the Broad'), and he bade him go assemble and muster the men of Ulster. And in like manner, Conchobar enumerated to him their quick and their dead, in the drunkenness of sleep and of his 'Pains,' and he uttered these words: The Order of the men of Ulster.

"Arise, O Findchad!

I Thee I send forth:

A negligence not to be wished (?);

Proclaim it to the chiefs of Ulster!

Sírrobud Sualtaim and-so innossa.

Sualtaim e-side mac Becaltaig meic Móraltaig, athair side Conculaind meic Sualtaim. Rachuas do-saide buadrugud a meic ac comrac ra écomlund for táin bó Cualnge, .i. ri Calatín n-dána cona secht maccaib fichet & rá hua ra Glass mac n-Delga.




Is do chéin gid so, bar Sualtaim, in nem maides ná in muir thráges ná in talam condascara ná inné búadrugud mo meic-sea so ac comrac ra écomlond for Táin bó Cualnge. Ba fír ám do Sualtam aní sein. Acus ra luid da fis ár tain, cen co dechaid a chetóir. Acus and úair ránic Sualtam go airm i m-bae Cuchulaind, ra gab Sualtam ac écgaine & ac airchisecht de.


Nir bo míad & nír bo maiss ám ra Coinculaind aní sin, Sualtam do écgáine no d'airchisecht de, daíg ra fitir Cuchulaind gea ra gonta & gea ra crechtnaigthe é, na bad gress da dígail Sualtam. Ór is amlaid ra bói Sualtam acht nír bo drochlaech é & nir bo deglaech, acht muadóclach maith rita-caemnacair. Maith a mo phopa Sualtaim bar Cuchulaind, dó duit-síu go hElmain go Ultu , acus raid ríu techt i n-díaid a tána fadectsa , dáig ni dam tualaing-sea a n-imdecgail ní as mó for bernadaib & belgib criche Conaille Murthemne. Atu-sa m-oenur i n-agid chethri n-ollchoiced n-hErend o lúan tate samna co taite n-imboilg, ic marbad fir ar áth cach lái & cét laech cach n-aidchi. Ni damar fír fer dam na comlond óenfir, & ní thic nech dom fortacht ná dom forithin. Is stúaga urchuill congabat mo bratt torom. Is suipp sesca fuilet im áltaib. Ni fuil finna fora tairised rind snáthaite adám berrad gom bonnaib gan drúcht fola forrderge ar barruachtur cach findae, acht in lám chlé fail ac congbáil mo scéith, acus cid hí-side filet teora cóica fuile fuirri, & munu diglat-som a chetóir sein, ní digélat co brunni m-bratha & betha.





Tanic Sualtam reime for in Líath Macha d'óeneoch, go robtaib leis do Ultaib. Acus and uair ránic do thaeib na hEmna, rabert na briathra sa and: Fir gontair, mna berdair, bae aegdair, a Ultu, bar Sualtam.


Ni fuair ba leór leis ó Ultaib, & dáig na fuair [ná fúair] tanic reme fa fordreich na hEmna. Acus rabert na briathra cetna and: Fir gontair, mna bertair, bae aegtair, a Ultu, bar Sualtam.


Ni fuair in frecra ra bu leor leis ó Ultaib. Is amlaid ra batar Ulaid: geiss d'Ultaib labrad rena ríg, geis don ríg labrad rena druidib. Tanic reme assa aithle for licc na n-gíall i n-Emain Macha. Rabert na briathra cetna and: Fir gondair, mná berdair, bae aegtair.



Cia ro-das-gon & cia ro-tas-brat & cia ro-das-beir ale, for Cathbath drúi. Ra-bar n-airg Ailill & Medb, bar Sualtam, tuctha far mna & far meic & far maccaemu, far n-eich & far n-echrada, far n-albi & far n-etti & far nh-innili. Ata Cuchulaind a oenur ac fostud & ac imfuirech cethri n-ollchoiced n-hErend for bernaib & belgib criche Conaille Murthemne. Ní damar fír fer dó na chomlund oenfir, ni thic nech da fortacht na da fórithin. Ra gaét in mac, ra luid a haltaib. Is stuaga urchuill congabat a bratt taris. Ni fuil finna ara tairissed rind snathaite oda berrad co a bonnaib can a drucht fola forrderge co barruachtur cach oenfindae dó, acht in lám chlé fai1 ac congbháil a scéith fair, acus gid hi-side fuilet teora coica fuili fuirri. Acus manu digailti-si a chetóir sein, ní digeltai go bru(n)ni m-bratha & betha.




Is uissiu a bás & a éc & a aided ind fir congreiss in rig samlaid, for Cathbath drúi. Is fír ám uile annaide. Tanic Sualtam reme tria lunne & anseirc, dáig na fuair in recra ba leor leis ó Ultaib.



Andsein driuctrais in Liath Macha ba Sualtam, acus tanic reme fa urdreich na hEmna. Is and-sain imsói a scíath fein bar Sualtam, co topacht bil a scéith féin a chend de Sualtam. Luid in t-ech féin bar cúlu arís in Emain, & in sciath barsin n-eoch , & in cend barsin sciath. Acus rabert cend Sualtaim na briathra cetna: Fir gondair, mná berdair, bae aegdar, a Ultu, bar cend Sualtaim.


Romór bic in nuall sa, bar Conchobar, dáig nem uasaind & talam ísaind & muir immaind immá cuard. Acht munu thaéth in firmiment cona frossaib retland bar dunadgnuis in talman, ná mono mae in talam assa thalamchumscugud, ná mono thí inn fairge eithrech ochorgorm for tulmoing in bethad, dober-sa cach bó & cach ben díb ca lias & ca machad, co aitte & co adbái fadessin ar m-buaid chatha & chomlaind & chomraic.


Acus iss and-sain barrecgaim echlach da muntir fadessin do Chonchobur, Findchad Fer bend uma mac Fraechlethain, acus ra ráid riss techt do thinol & do thochostul Ulad. Acus is cumma barrurim biu & marbu dó trí mesci a chotulta & a chessa noenden. Acus rabert na briathra:


Ardotrái a Findchaid,


ní hadlicgi ássidi,

a fasnís ócaib Ulad.

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