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8a. The Slaying Of The Three Macarach

The Slaying Of The Three Macarach

Then came the three macArach on to the ford at Ard Ciannacht to encounter Cuchulain: Lon ('Ousel'), Uala ('Pride'), and Diliu ('Deluge');-- Meslir ('Lir's Fosterling'), and Meslaoc ('Hero's Fosterling'), and Meslethain ('Lethan's Fosterling') were the names of their charioteers. This is why they came to engage with Cuchulain, for the deed he had done the day before they deemed past bearing, when the two sons of Nera son of Nuatar, son of Tacan, were slain at Ath Gabla ('Fork-ford'), and Orlam, Ailill's son and Medb's, was slain withal and his head displayed to the men of Erin, so that their desire was to kill Cuchulain in the same manner in revenge for him, and that they should be the ones to rid the host of that pest and bring his head with them to set it aloft.

They went into the wood and cut off three great white-hazelwood-strips (and put them) into the hands of their charioteers, so that the six of them might engage in battle at one and the same time with Cuchulain. Cuchulain turned on them and smote their six heads from them. Thus fell the macArach at the hands of Cuchulain

Aided tri Mac n-Árach

Sand-sin tancatar tri meic Árach barsin n-áth ic Ard Chiannacht i n-herus Conculaind, Lon & Ual & Diliu, Maslir & Maslaig & Maslethair anmand a n-arad. Is aire con deochatar sin i comdail Conculaind, dáig ba imnarcraid gním leo doringni in lathe reme forro .i. da mac Nera meic Nuatair meic Thacain do marbad ic Áth Gabla, Orláb mac Ailella & Medba do guin dana & a chend do thaisselbad d'feraib hErend, co ro gontaisium Coinculaind fon samlaid sin & go ructáis a chend leo i taisselbad.




Lotar fon fid & ro bensat tri fidslatta findchuill illamaib a n-arad, condrístais a sessiur i n-oenfecht gliaid fri Coinculaind. Impádar Cuchulaind friu & benais a se cinnu díb. Torchratar meic Árach samlaid la Coinculaind.

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