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25. Here Followeth The Array of The Host

Here Followeth The Array of The Host

Said Ailill: "Truly have I succeeded," said he, "in laying waste Ulster and the land of the Picts from Monday at Summer's end till Spring's beginning. We have taken their women and the sons and their children, their steeds and their troops of horses, their herds and their flocks and their droves. We have laid level their hills after them, so that they have become lowlands and are all one height. For this cause, will I await them no longer here, but let them offer me battle on Mag Ai, if so it please them. But, say here what we will, some one shall go forth from us to watch the great, wide plain of Meath, to know if the men of Ulster come hither. And, should the men of Ulster come hither, I will in no wise be the first to retreat till battle be given them, for it was never the wont of a good king to retreat." "Who should fitly go thither?" asked all. "Who but macRoth our chief runner yonder?"

MacRoth went his way to survey the great wide-spreading plain of Meath. Not long was macRoth there when he heard something: A rush and a crash and a clatter and a clash. Not slight the thing he judged it to be, but as though it was the firmament itself that fell on the man-like face of the world, or as though it was the furrowed, blue-bordered ocean that broke o'er the tufted brow of the earth, or as though the ground had gone asunder in quakes, or as though the forest fell, each of the trees in the crotches and forks and branches of the other. But why give further accounts! The wood's wild beasts were hunted out on the plain, so that beneath them the grassy forelocks of the plain of Meath were not to be seen.

MacRoth hastened to tell this tale at the place where were Ailill and Medb and Fergus and the nobles of the men of Erin. MacRoth related the whole matter to them.

"What was that there, O Fergus?" asked Ailill. "Not hard to say," said Fergus. "It was the rush and tramp and clatter that he heard," said Fergus, "the din and thunder, the tumult and turmoil of the Ulstermen, who have come into the woods, the throng of champions and battle-heroes cutting down with their swords the woods in the way of their chariots. This it was that hath put the wild animals to flight on the plain, so that the grassy forelocks of the field of Meath are hidden beneath them!"

Another time macRoth surveyed the plain and he saw something: a heavy, grey mist that filled the space between the heavens and earth. It seemed to him that the hills were islands in lakes that he saw rising up out of the sloping valleys of mist. It seemed to him they were wide-yawning caverns that he saw there leading into that mist. It seemed to him it was all-white, flaxy sheets of linen, or sifted snow a-falling that he saw there through a rift in the mist. It seemed to him it was a flight of many, varied, wonderful, numerous birds, or the constant sparkling of shining stars on a bright, clear night of hoar-frost, or sparks of red-flaming fire. He heard something: A rush and a din and a hurtling sound, a noise and a thunder, a tumult and a turmoil. He hastened on to impart these tidings at the place where were Ailill and Medb and Fergus and the nobles of the men of Erin. He reported the matter to them.

"But what was that, O Fergus?" asked Ailill. "Not hard to say," Fergus made answer. "This was the great, grey mist that he saw which filled the space between the heavens and earth, namely, the streaming breath both of horses and men, the smoke of the earth and the dust of the roads as it rose over them with the driving of the wind, so that it made a heavy, deep-grey misty vapour thereof in the clouds and the air.

"These were the islands over lakes that he saw there, and the tops of hills and of heights over the sloping valleys of mist, even the heads of the champions and battle-heroes over the chariots and the chariots withal. These were the wide-yawning caverns that he saw there leading into that mist, even the mouths and the nostrils of the horses and champions exhaling and inhaling the sun and the wind with the speed of the host.

These were the all-white, flax-like cloths that he saw there or the streaming snow a-falling, to wit the foam and the froth that the bridles of the reins flung from the bits of strong, stout steeds with the stress, with the swiftness and strength and speed of the host.

"These were the flights of many, various, wonderful, numerous birds that he saw there, even the dust of the ground and the top of the earth and the sods which the horses flung from their feet and their hoofs and arose over the heads of the host with the driving of the wind.

"This was the rush and the crash and the hurtling sound, the din and the thunder, the clatter and clash that he heard there, to wit the shield-shock of shields and the jangle of javelins and the hard-smiting of swords and the ring of helmets, the clangour of breast-plates and the rattle of arms and the fury of feats, the straining of ropes and the whirr of wheels and the trampling of horses' hoofs and the creaking of chariots, and the deep voices of heroes and battle-warriors coming hither towards us.

"This was the constant sparkling of shining stars on a bright, clear night that he saw there and the sparks of red-flaming fire, even the bloodthirsty, terrible eyes of the champions and battle-warriors from under beautiful, well-shaped, finely-adorned battle-helmets; eyes full of the fury and rage they brought with them, against the which neither before nor since has equal combat nor overwhelming force of battle prevailed, and against which it will never prevail till the very day of doom and of life!"

We make not much of that," quoth Medb. "For there are goodly warriors and goodly fighting-men with us to cope with them." "Thou shalt have need of them," answered Fergus. "Truly, I count not on that, O Medb. For I give my word, thou shalt find no host in all Erin, nor in Alba, to cope with the men of Ulster when once their anger comes on them!"

Then did the four grand provinces of Erin pitch camp and make lodgment at Clartha for that night. They sent forth folk to keep watch and guard against Ulster, to the end that the Ulstermen might not come upon them without warning, without notice.

Then it was that Conchobar and Celtchar with thirty hundred bristling chariot-fighters set forth, till they halted at Slemain Mide ('Slane of Meath') in the rear of the host. But, though 'halted' we have said, a very brief halt made they there, but proceeded for a favourable sign to the quarters of Ailill and Medb, so they might be the first of all to redden their hands.

It was not long macRoth had been there when he saw something: An incomparable, immense troop of horsemen in Slane of Meath coming straight from the northeast. He hastened forward to where were Ailill and Medb and Fergus and the chiefs of the men of Erin. Ailill asked tidings of him on his arrival: "Say, mac Roth," queried Ailill; "sawest thou aught of the men of Ulster on the trail of the host this day?" "Truly I know not," answered macRoth; "but I saw an incomparable, immense troop of horsemen in Slane of Meath coming straight from the north-east." "But how many numbered the horse-troop?" asked Ailill. "Not fewer, meseemed, than thirty hundred fully armed chariot-fighters were they, even ten hundred and twenty hundred fully armed chariot-fighters," macRoth made answer.

"So, O Fergus," quoth Ailill. "How thinkest thou to terrify us till now with the smoke and dust and the breath of a mighty host, while all the battle-force thou hast is that we see yonder!" "A little too soon belittles thou them," Fergus retorted; "for mayhap the bands are more numerous than is said they are."

"Let us take good, swift counsel on the matter," said Medb; "for yon huge, most fierce, most furious man will attack us we ween, Conchobar, to wit, son of Fachtna Fathach ('the Giant') son of Ross Ruad ('the Red') son of Rudraige, himself High King of Ulster and son of the High King of Erin. Let there be a hollow array of the men of Erin before Conchobar and a force of thirty hundred ready to close in from behind, and the men shall be taken and in no wise wounded; for, no more than is a caitiff's lot is this whereto they are come!" Wherefore this is the third most derisive word that was spoken on the Cattle-lifting of Cualnge, even to take Conchobar prisoner without wounding, and to inflict a caitiff's lot on the ten hundred and twenty hundred who accompanied the kings of Ulster.

And Cormac Conlongas son of Conchobar heard that, and he knew that unless he took vengeance at once upon Medb for her great boast, he would not avenge it till the very day of doom and of life.

It was then that Cormac Conlongas son of Conchobar arose with his troop of thirty hundred to inflict the revenge of battle and prowess upon Ailill and Medb. Ailill arose with his thirty hundred to meet him. Medb arose with her thirty hundred. The Manè arose with their thirty hundred. The sons of Maga arose with their thirty hundred. The Leinstermen and the Munstermen and the people of Temair arose and made interposition between them, so that on both sides each warrior sat down near to the other and near by his arms.

Meanwhile a hollow array of men was made by Medb to face Conchobar and a warlike band of thirty hundred ready to close in from behind. Conchobar proceeded to attack the circle of men. And he was far from seeking any particular breach, but he worked a small gap, broad enough for a man-at-arms, right in front over against him in the circle of combatants, and effected a breach of an hundred on his right side, and a breach of an hundred on his left, and he turned in on them, and mingled among them on their ground, and there fell of them eight hundred fully brave warriors at his hands. And thereafter he left them without blood or bleeding from himself and took his station in Slane of Meath at the head of the men of Ulster.

"Come, ye men of Erin!" cried Ailill. "Let some one go hence to scan the wide-stretching plain of Meath, to know in what guise the men of Ulster come to the height in Slane of Meath, to bring us an account of their arms and the gear and their trappings, their kings and their royal readers, their champions and battle-warriors and gapbreakers of hundreds and their yeomen, to which to listen will shorten the time for us." "Who should go thither?" asked all. "Who but macRoth the chief runner," Ailill made answer.

MacRoth went his way till he took his station in Slane of Meath, awaiting the men of Ulster. The Ulstermen were busied in marching to that hill from gloaming of early morn till sunset hour in the evening. In such manner the earth was never left naked under them during all that time, every division of them under its king, and every band under its leader, and every king and every leader and every lord with the number of his force and his muster, his gathering and his levy apart. Howbeit, by sunset hour in the evening all the men of Ulster had taken position on that height in Slane of Meath.

MacRoth came forward with the account of their first company to the place where Ailill and Medb and Fergus were and the nobles of the men of Erin. Ailill and Medb asked tidings of him when he arrived. "Come, macRoth," quoth Ailill, "tell us in what manner of array do the Ulstermen advance to the hill of Slane in Meath?"


"Truly, I know not," answered macRoth, "except this alone: There came a fiery, powerful, most well-favoured company upon the hill of Slane in Meath," said macRoth. "It seemed, on scanning and spying, that a thrice thirty hundred warriors were in it. Anon they all doffed their garments and threw up a turfy mound for their leader to sit on. A youth, slender, long, exceeding great of stature, fair to behold, proud of mien, in the van of the troop. Fairest of the princes of the world was he in the midst of his warriors, as well in fearsomeness and in awe, in courage and command; fair-yellow hair, curled, delicately arranged in ridges and bushy had he; a comely, clear-rosy countenance he had; a deep-blue-gray, angry eye, devouring and fear-inspiring, in his head; a two-forked beard, yellow, fairly curled, on his chin; a purple mantle with fringes and five-folded wrapped around him; a brooch of gold in the mantle over his breast; a shining-white, hooded shirt under red interweaving of red gold he wore next his white skin; a bright-white shield with figures of beasts of red gold thereon; a gold-hilted, hammered sword in one of his hands; a broad and gray-green lance in the other. That warrior took his station on the top of the mound, so that each one came up to him and his company took their places around him.

"There came also another company to the same height in Slane of Meath," continued macRoth. "Second of the two divisions of thirty hundred it was. A well-favoured warrior was there likewise at the head of that company; fair-yellow hair he wore; a bright, curly beard about his chin; a green mantle wrapped around him; a bright-silvern pin in the mantle at his breast; a brown-red, soldier's tunic under red interweaving of red gold trussed up against his fair skin down to his knees; a candle of a king's house in his hand, with windings of silver and bands of gold; wonderful the feats and games performed with the spear in the hand of the youth; the windings of silver ran round it by the side of the bands of gold, now from the butt to the socket, while at other times it was the bands of gold that circled by the side of the windings of silver from socket to spear-end; a smiting shield with plaited edge he bore; a sword with hilt-pieces of ivory, and ornamented with thread of gold on his left side. This warrior took his station on the left of the leader of the first company who had come to the mound, and his followers got them seated around him. But, though we have said they sat, they did not verily seat themselves at once, but they sat thus, with their knees on the ground and the rims of their shields against their chins, so long it seemed to them till they should be let at us. But, one thing yet: Meseemed that the great, fierce youth who led the troop stammered grievously in his speech.

"Still another battalion there came to the same mound in Slane of Meath," continued macRoth. "Second to its fellow in number and followers and apparel. A handsome, broad-headed warrior at the head of that troop; dark-yellow hair in tresses he wore; an eager, dark-blue eye rolling restlessly in his head; a bright, curled beard, forked and tapering, at his chin; a dark-grey cloak with fringes, folded around him; a leaf-shaped brooch of silvered bronze in the mantle over his breast; a white-hooded shirt reaching to his knees was girded next to his skin; a bright shield with raised devices of beasts thereon he bore; a sword with white silver hilt in battle-scabbard at his waist; the pillar of a king's palace he bore on his back. This warrior took his station on the hill of turf facing the warrior who first came to the hill, and his company took their places around him. But sweet as the tone of lutes in masters' hands when long sustained, so seemed to me the melodious sound of the voice and the speech of the youth conversing with the warrior who first came to the hill and offering him every counsel."

"But who might that be?" asked Ailill of Fergus. "Truly, we know him well," Fergus made answer. "This, to wit, is the first hero for whom they threw up the mound of turf on the height of the hill and whom all approached, namely, Conchobar son of Fachtna Fathach son of Ross Ruad son of Rudraige, High King of Ulster, and son of the High King of Erin. This, to wit, is the stammering, great warrior who took station on his father Conchobar's left, namely, Cuscraid Menn ('the Stammerer') of Macha, Conchobar's son, with the sons of the king of Ulster and the sons of the princes of the men of Erin close by him. This is the spear he saw in his hand, even the 'Torch of Cuscraid,' with its windings of silver and bands of gold. It is the wont of that spear that neither before nor after, but only on the eve of a triumph, do the silver windings run round it by the side of the bands of gold. Belike, it is almost before a triumph they course round it now.

"The well-favoured, broad-headed warrior who seated himself on the hill in the presence of the youth who first came on the mound, namely is Sencha son of Ailill son of Maelcho 'the Eloquent' of Ulster, he that is wont to appease the hosts of the men of Erin. But, yet a word more I say: It is not the counsel of cowardice nor of fear that he gives his lord this day on the day of strife, but counsel to act with valour and courage and wisdom and cunning. But, again one word further I say," added Fergus: "It is a goodly people for performing great deeds that has risen there early this day around Conchobar!" "We make not much of them," quoth Medb; "we have goodly warriors and stout youths to deal with them." "I count not that for much," answered Fergus again; "but I say this word: Thou wilt not find in Erin nor in Alba a host to be a match for the men of Ulster when once their anger comes upon them."

"Yet another company there came to the same mound in Slane of Meath," said macRoth. "A fair, tall, great warrior in the van of that battalion, and he of fiery spirit, with noble countenance. Brown, dark-coloured hair he wore, smooth and thin on his forehead; a dull-grey cloak girt around him; a silver pin in the cloak over his breast; a bright, sleeved tunic next to his skin; a curved shield with sharp, plaited rim he bore; a five-pronged spear in his hand; a straightsword with ornaments of walrus-tooth in its place." "But, who might that be?" asked Ailill of Fergus. "In very sooth, we know him," Fergus made answer. "The putting of hands on strife is he; a battle-warrior for combat and destruction on foes is the one who is come there, even Eogan son of Durthacht, king of the Fernmag in the north, is the one yonder."

"Another battalion there came thither to the same mound in Slane of Meath," continued macRoth. "It is surely no false word that boldly they took the hill. Deep the terror, great the fear they brought with them. Their raiment all thrown back behind them. A great-headed, warlike warrior in the forefront of the company, and he eager for blood, dreadful to look upon. Spare, grizzly hair had he; huge, yellow eyes in his head; a yellow, close-napped (?) cloak around him; a pin of yellow gold in the cloak over his breast; a yellow tunic with lace next his skin; in his hand a nailed, broad-plated, long-shafted spear with a drop of blood on its edge." "But, who might that be?" asked Ailill of Fergus. "In truth then, we know him, that warrior," Fergus gave answer. "Neither battle nor battlefield nor combat nor contest shuns he, the one who is come thither. Loegaire Buadach ('the Victorious') son of Connad Buide ('the Yellow') son of Iliach, from Immail in the north, is the one yonder."

"Another company there came there too to the same mound in Slane of Meath," continued macRoth. "A thick-necked, burly warrior at the head of that troop; black, bushy hair he had; a scarred, crimsoned face he had; a deep-blue-gray, blazing eye in his head; a spear set with eyes of glass, casting shadows over him; a black shield with a hard rim of silvered bronze upon him, a dun-coloured cloak of curly wool about him; a brooch of pale gold in the cloak over his breast; a three-striped tunic of silk next to his skin; a sword with ivory hilt and with ornamentation of thread of gold over his dress on the outside. ""But, who might that man be?" asked Ailill of Fergus. "We know him full well," Fergus made answer. "He is the putting of hand on strife; a wave of the high sea that drowneth; he is the man of three shouts; the sea over walls; the man who comes thither. Muremur ('Thick-neck') son of Gerrcend ('Short-head') from Moduirn in the north is the one yonder."

"Still another company there came to the same mound in Slane of Meath," continued macRoth. "A broad-headed, stout warrior, pleasantly found of limb, in the front of that troop; he is dried and sallow; he is wild and bull-like; a dun, round eye, proud in his head; yellow, very curly is his hair; a red, round shield with hardsilver rim about it he bore; a broad-plated, long-shafted spear in his hand; a streaked-gray cloak around him; a brooch of copper in the cloak over his breast; a hooded kirtle girded around him reaching down to his calves; a straightsword with ornaments of walrus-tooth on his left thigh." "But who might he be?" asked Ailill of Fergus. "I know him indeed," Fergus made answer. "He is the prop of battle; he is the triumph of every combat; he is the tool that pierces, is the man who comes thither. Connud macMorna, from the Callann in the north, is the man yonder."

"There came still another company to the same mound in Slane of Meath," continued macRoth. "It is indeed no lying word, it is with might and storm they gained the hill, so that with the clash of arms they made at the approach of that company they startled the hosts that had arrived there before them. A man, comely and noble, in advance of that band; most well-favoured to see of the men of the world, whether in shape or form or frame; whether in arms or apparel; whether in size or worth or beauty; whether in figure or valour or conduct." "Then it is surely no lying word," Fergus said: "A fitting saying is this, 'No fool 'mongst the naked is he who comes thither.' He is the foe of all others; he is a power irresistible; the storm-wave that drowneth, the glitter of ice is that well-favoured man. Fedilmid son of Ilar Cetach of Cualnge, from Ellonn in the north, is he yonder."

"Still another battalion came thither to the same hill in Slane of Meath," macRoth proceeded. "Not often is a warrior seen more handsome than the warrior that is in the front rank of that company. Bushy, red-yellow hair he wore; his face slender below, broad above; a deep-blue-gray, beaming eye, and it flashing and laughing in his head; a well-set, shapely man, tall, slender below and broad above; red, thin lips he had; teeth shining and pearl-like; a white-skinned body; a purple cloak wrapped around him; a brooch of gold in the mantle over his breast; a hooded tunic of royal silk with a red hem of red gold he wore next to his white skin; a bright, curved shield with figures of beasts in red gold thereon; a gold-hilted, inlaid swordat his left side; a long, gray-edged spear along with a cutting bye-spear of attack, with thongs for throwing, with fastenings of silvered bronze, in his hand." "But who might that man be?" asked Ailill of Fergus. "We know him full well," Fergus made answer. "He is half of a battle; he is the dividing of combat; he is the wild rage of a watchhound, the man who is come thither; Rochad son of Fatheman, from Rigdonn in the north, is he yonder."

"Another battalion there came to the same hill in Slane of Meath," continued macRoth. "A stalwart, thick-calved warrior at the head of that company; little but every limb of him as stout as a man. Verily it is no lying word, he is a man down to the ground," said he. "Brown, bushy hair upon his head; a ruddy countenance covered with scars he had; a flashing, proud eye in his head; a splendid, dexterous man was there, in this wise: Accompanied by black-haired, black-eyed youths; with a red, flaming banner; with wilful rashness, so that they seek to rout overwhelming numbers outside of equal combat, with the violence of assault upon them, without having aught assistance from Conchobar." "But, who might he be?" asked Ailill of Fergus. "Aye then we know him," Fergus made answer. "A thirst for valour and prowess is he that came thither; a thirst for madness and fury. The welding of hosts and of arms; the point of battle and of slaughter of the men of the north of Erin, mine own real foster-brother himself, Fergus son of Lete, the king from Line in the north, is the man yonder!"

"Still another company came to the same hill in Slane of Meath," macRoth continued, "steadfast, without equal. A handsome, untiring warrior in the van of this company. A blue, narrow-bordered cloth next to his skin, with strong, woven and twisted hoops of silvered bronze, with becoming, sharp-fashioned buttons of red gold on its slashes and breastborders; a green mantle, pieced together with the choicest of all colours, folded about him; five circles of gold, that is, his shield, he bore on him; a tough, obdurate, straight-bladed sword for a hero's handling hung high on his left side. A straight, fluted spear, flaming red and venomous in his hand." "But, who might that be?" asked Ailill of Fergus. "Truly, we know him well," Fergus made answer. "The choice flower of royal poets is he. He is the rush on the rash; he is the way to the goal, fierce is his valour, the man that came thither; Amargin son of the smith Ecetsalach ('the Grimy'), the noble poet from the Buas in the north, is he."

"There came yet another company there to the same hill in Slane of Meath, continued macRoth. "A yellow-haired hero in the front rank of that band. Fair was the man, both in hair and eye and beard and eyebrows and apparel; a rimmed shield he bore; a gold-hilted, overlaid sword on his left side; a five-pointed spear that reflected its glare over the entire host in his hand." "But who was that man?" asked Ailill of Fergus. "In sooth, we know him well, Fergus made answer. "Cherished, in truth, is that warrior by the people, he that to us is come thither; cherished, the stout-brow-dealing beast; cherished, the bear of great deeds against foes, with the violence of his attack. Feradach Finn Fectnach ('the Fair and Righteous') from Nemed ('the Grove') in Sliab Fuait in the north, is the one that is come there."

"Another company there came to the mound in Slane of Meath," continued macRoth. "Three bold, high-spirited youths of noble countenance in the front rank of that company. Three cloaks of the one colour they wore folded upon them; three shields wholly alike they bore; three five-pointed, spears in their hands." "Who were those men there, Fergus?" Ailill asked. "I know," Fergus answered; "the three princes of Ilath, the three champions of Colph, the three of Midluachair great in achievements, three seasoned warriors of the east of Erin, to wit, the three sons of Fiachna in quest of their bull are there, even Ros and Darè and Imchad, for theirs was the possession of the Brown Bull of Cualnge. Even had they come alone, they would have offered you battle in defence of their bull and their drove, even though before them the enemy should not be routed."

"Yet another company there came thither to the same hill in Slane of Meath," said macRoth. "Two fair, tender, young warriors at the head of that company; two green cloaks wrapped about them; two bright-silver brooches in the cloaks over the breasts; two tunics of smooth yellow silk next to their skin; bright-hilted swords on the belts; two five-pronged spears with windings of pure bright silver in the hands. Moreover, their years were nigh the same." "But, who might they be?" asked Ailill of Fergus. "Well do we know them," Fergus made answer. "Two single, strong-necked champions are they; two united flames; two united torches; two champions; two heroes; two ridge-poles of hosts; two dragons; two thunderbolts; two destroyers (?); two boars; two bold ones; two mad ones; the two loved ones of Ulster around the king; namely Fiacha and Fiachna have come thither, two sons of Conchobar son of Fachtna son of Ross Ruad son of Rudraige."

"There came also another company to that same mound," said macRoth. "'Tis the engulphing of the sea for size; red-flaming fire for splendour; a legion for number; a rock for strength; annihilation for battle; thunder for might. A wrathful, terrible, ill-favoured one at the head of that band, and he was big-nosed, large-eared, apple-eyed. Coarse, grizzly hair he wore; a streaked-gray cloak about him; a skewer of iron in the cloak over his breast, so that it reached from one of his shoulders to the other; a rough, three-striped tunic next to his skin; a sword of seven charges of remelted iron he bore on his rump; a brown hillock he bore, namely his shield; a great, grey spear with thirty nails driven through its socket he had in his hand. The lines and battalions were thrown into disorder at the sight of that warrior, as he came surrounded by his company to the hill, in Slane of Meath." "But who might that man be?" asked Ailill of Fergus. "Ah, but we know him well," Fergus made answer. "He is the half of the battle; he is the head of strife; he is the head of combat in valour; he is the sea overbounds, the man that is come thither; the mighty Celtchar son of Uthechar, from Lethglass in the north, is the man there!

"There came yet another company thither to the same hill in Slane of Meath," said macRoth; "one that is firm and furious; one that is ugly and fearful. A great-bellied, big-mouthed champion in the van of that troop; with but one clear eye, and half-brained, long-handed. Brown, very curly hair he wore; a black, flowing mantle around him; a wheel-shaped brooch of tin in the mantle over his breast; a cunningly wrought tunic next to his skin; a great long sword under his waist; a well-tempered lance in his right hand; a grey buckler he bore on him, that is, his shield." "Pray, who might that man be?" asked Ailill of Fergus. "Indeed, but we know him," Fergus made answer; "the wild, red-handed, rendng lion; the fierce, fearful bear that overcometh valour. Errge Echbel ('Horse-mouth'), from Bri Errgi ('Errge's Mound') in the north, is the one there."

"Yet another company there came to the same hill in Slane of Meath," said macRoth. "A large, fiery man at the head of that company; foxy-red hair he had; huge, crimson-red eyes in his head; bulging as far as the bend of a warrior's finger is either of the very large crimson, kingly eyes he had; a many-coloured cloak about him; a grey shield he bore; a slender, blue lance above him; a blood-smeared, becrimsoned company around him; himself covered with wounds and blood in their midst." "Now who might he be?" asked Ailill of Fergus. "Well do we know him," Fergus made answer. "He is the bold, the ruthless, the swift-moving eagle; the eager lance; the goring beast; the torrent of the Colbtha; the triumphant hero from Bailer he is the shaft(?); he is the bellowing hero from Bernas ('the Gap'); the furious bull; Menn son of Salcholga, from Rena ('the Waterways') of the Boyne."

"Yet another company came thither to the same mound in Slane of Meath," continued macRoth. "A long-jawed, sallow-faced warrior at the head of that company; black hair on his head; long limbs are his legs; a cloak of red curly wool about him; a brooch of white silver in the cloak over his breast; a linen shirt next to his skin; a gory-red shield with a boss of gold he bore; a sword with hilt of white silver on his left side; a sharp-cornered, gold-socketed spear he held over him." "But, who might he be?" Ailill asked of Fergus. "Truly, we know him," Fergus made answer. The man of three stout blows has come; the man of three highways is he; the man of three roads, the man of three paths, the man of three ways; the man of three triumphs; Fergna son of Findchoem, king of Burach, from Ulster in the north, has come thither."

"Even another company came there to the same mound in Slane of Meath," continued macRoth. "A large, well-favoured man in the van of that company. Like to Ailill yonder, with his pointed weapons, the restrainer, both in features and noble bearing and fairness, both in arms and apparel, in valour and bravery and fame and deeds. A blue shield with boss of gold was upon him. A gold-hilted sword on his left side; a five-pronged spear with gold, in his hand; a golden crown on his head." "But, who might that be?" asked Ailill of Fergus. "Ah, but we know him well," Fergus made answer. "The root of all manhood; the assault of overwhelming power; the annihilation of men is he that is come thither. Furbaide Ferbenn son of Conchobar, from Sil in Mag Inis in the north, is there."

"Yet another company came to the mound in Slane of Meath," continued macRoth. "A sharp, proud folk; a stately, royal company, with their apparel of many colours, as well white and blue and black and purple, so that to a king could be likened each spirited, chosen man in the noble, most wonderful troop. A feast for the eyes of a host, to gaze on their comeliness and their garb, as if it was going forth to some great surpassing assembly was each single man of that company. A trine of noble, distinguished men were in the front rank of that company. The first man of them with a dark-grey mantle fringed with gold thread about him; a brooch of gold in the mantle over his breast, a tunic of rare silk next to his skin; sandals of lamb's skin he wore. Not many men in the world are better-favoured than is he. A light-yellow head of hair he has; a bright-faced sword with ivory hilt and with coils of gold thread, in his right hand. He flings on high the tooth-hilted sword, so that it falls on the head of the middle man but it simply grazes it. He catches it up in the air again, so that it falls on the head of the other man, and the first man catches it in his hand, and it divided not a ringlet nor the skin of the head of either of them, and these two men did not perceive it.

Two brown, rich-hued, bright-faced youths; reddish-gray mantles around them; white-silver brooches in their mantles over their breasts; a bright-hilted sword under their waists; purple sandals they wore; as sweet as strings of lutes when long sustained in players' hands was the voice and song of one of the men, so that enough of delight it was to the host to listen to the sound of his voice. Worthy of a king or of a prince was each man in that company as regards apparel and appearance; thou wouldst think, at the sight of them, they were all kings. Neither spears nor swords do they bear, but their servants bear them."

"An over-proud body is that," quoth Ailill; "and who may they be, O Fergus?" he asked. "I know full well," replied Fergus; "the poets of Ulster are they, with Fercerdne. The fair, much-gifted, whom thou sawest, even the learned master of Ulster, Fercerdne. 'Tis before him that the lakes and rivers sink when he upbraids, and they swell up high when he applauds. The two others thou sawest are Athirne the chief poet, whom none can deny, and Ailill Miltenga ('Honey-tongue') son of Carba; and he is called Ailill 'Honey-tongue' for that as sweet as honey are the words of wisdom that fall from him."

"There came yet another company to the mound in Slane of Meath," said macRoth. "A most terrible, dreadful sight to behold them. Blue and pied and green, purple, grey and white and black mantles; a kingly, white-gray, broad-eyed hero in the van of that company; wavy, grizzled hair upon him; a blue-purple cloak about him; a leaf-shaped brooch with ornamentation of gold in the cloak over his breast; a shield, stoutly braced with buckles of red copper; yellow sandals he wore; a large, strange-fashioned sword along his shoulder. Two curly-haired, white-faced youths close by him, wearing green cloaks and purple sandals and blue tunics, and with brown shields fitted with hooks, in their hands; white-hilted swords with silvered bronze ornaments they bore; a broad, somewhat light countenance had one of them. One of these cunning men raises his glance to heaven and scans the clouds of the sky and bears their answer to the marvellous troop that is with him. They all lift their eyes on high and watch the clouds and work their spells against the elements, so that the elements fall to warring with each other, till they discharge rain-clouds of fire downwards on the camp and entrenchments of the men of Erin."

"Who might that be, O Fergus?" asked Ailill. "I know him," replied Fergus; "the foundation of knowledge; the master of the elements; the heaven-soaring one; he that blindeth the eyes; that depriveth his foe of his strength through incantations of druids, namely Cathba the friendly druid, with the druids of Ulster about him. And to this end he makes augury when judging the elements, in order to ascertain therefrom how the great battle on Garech and Ilgarech will end. The two youths that are about him, they are his own two sons, to wit Imrim son of Cathba and Genonn Gruadsolus ('Bright-cheek') son of Cathba, he that has the somewhat light countenance. Howbeit it will be hard for the men of Erin to withstand the spells of the druids."

"Yet another company there came to the mound in Slane of Meath," continued macRoth. "A numberless, bright-faced band; unwonted garments they wore; a little bag at the waist of each man of them. A white-haired, bull-faced man in the front of that company; an eager, dragon-like eye in his head; a black, flowing robe with edges of purple around him; a many coloured, leaf-shaped brooch with gems, in the robe over his breast; a ribbed tunic of thread of gold around him; a short sword, keen and hard, with plates of gold, in his hand; they all came to show him their stabs and their sores, their wounds and their ills, and he told each one his sickness, and he gave each a cure, and what at last happened to each was even the ill he foretold him." "He is the power of leechcraft; he is the healing of wounds; he is the thwarting of death; he is the absence of every weakness, is that man," said Fergus, "namely Fingin the prophet mediciner, the physician of Conchobar, with the physicians of Ulster around him. It is he that knoweth the sickness of a man by the smoke of the house wherein he lies, or by hearing his groans. Their medicine bags are the sacks which thou sawest with them."

"Another company came to the mound in Slane of Meath," continued macRoth. "A powerful, heavy, turbulent company; they caused uproar in their deeds of arms for the accomplishment of brilliant feats; they tore up the sad-sodded earth with the strength of their bitter rage, for the mighty princes of the proud province of Conchobar would not allow them to proceed to the great camp till all should be arrived. Two youths, swarthy and huge, in the front of that company; soft, playful eyes in their heads; about them, dark-grey tunics with silver pins set with stones; great, horn-topped swords with sheaths they bore; strong, stout shields they bore; lances with rows of rivets, in their hands; glossy tunics next to their skin." "We know well that company," quoth Fergus; "the household of Conchobar and his vassals are those; their two leaders, Glasne and Menn, two sons of Uthechar."

"There came yet another band to the mound in Slane of Meath," continued macRoth; "to wit, a band of a numerous body of henchmen. A black, hasty, swarthy, ----- man in the front rank of that band; seven chains around his neck; seven men at the end of each chain; he drags along these seven groups of men, so that their faces strike against the ground, and they revile him until he desists. Another terrible man is there, and the ponderous stone which powerful men could not raise, he sets on his palm and flings on high to the height a lark flies on a day of fine weather; a club of iron at his belt." "I know those men," quoth Fergus: "Triscoth the strong man of Conchobar's house; it is he that flings the stone on high. Ercenn son of the three stewards, he it is in the chains."

"There came another large, stately company to the mound in Slane of Meath," macRoth went on. "Three, very curly-headed, white-faced youths in the van of that troop; three curly-red kirtles with brooches of silvered bronze was the apparel they wore about them; three sparkling tunics of silk with golden seams tucked up about them; three studded shields with images of beasts for emblems in silvered bronze upon them and with bosses of red gold; three very keen swords with guards adorned with gold thread along their shoulders; broad-bladed javelin-heads on ashen shafts in their hands." "Who might that be there, O Fergus?" asked Ailill. "That I know," answered Fergus: "the three venoms of serpents; three cutting ones; three edges; three watchful ones; three points of combat; three pillars of the borders; three powerful companies of Ulster; three wardens of Erin; three triumph-singers of a mighty host are there," said Fergus, "the three sons of Conchobar, namely Glas and Manè and Conaing."

"Yet another company there came to the mound in Slane of Meath," said macRoth. "Stately, in beautiful colours, gleaming-bright they came to the mound. Not fewer than an army-division, as a glance might judge them A bold, fair-cheeked youth in the van of that troop; light-yellow hair has he; though a bag of red-shelled nuts were spilled on his crown, not a nut of them would fall to the ground because of the twisted, curly locks of his head. Bluish-grey as harebell is one of his eyes; as black as beetle's back is the other; the one brow black, the other white; a forked, light-yellow beard has he; a magnificent red-brown mantle about him; a round brooch adorned with gems of precious stones fastening it in his mantle over his right shoulder; a striped tunic of silk with a golden hem next to his skin; an ever-bright shield he bore; a hard-smiting, threatening spear he held over him; a very keen sword with hilt-piece of red gold on his thigh." "Who might that be, O Fergus?" asked Ailill. "I know, then," replied Fergus: "it is battle against foes; it is the inciting of strife; it is the rage of a monster; it is the madness of a lion; it is the cunning of a snake; it is the rock of the Badb; it is the sea over dikes; it is the shaking of rocks; it is the stirring of a wild host, namely Conall Cernach ('the Victorious'), the high-glorious son of Amargin, that is come hither."

"Yet another company came to the same mound in Slane of Meath," said macRoth. "Steady and dissimilar to the other companies. Some wore red cloaks, others light-blue cloaks, others dark blue cloaks, others green cloaks, white and yellow jerking, beautiful and shiny, were over them. Behold the little, red-faced lad with purple mantle about him in their midst. A brooch of gold in the mantle over his breast; a tunic of royal silk with red trimming of red gold next to his white skin, a bright shield with intricate figures of beasts in red gold upon it; a boss of gold on the shield; an edge of gold around it; a small, gold-hilted sword at his waist; a sharp, light lance cast its shadow over him."

"But, who might he be?" asked Ailill of Fergus. "Truly, I know not," Fergus made answer, "that I left behind me in Ulster the like of that company nor of the little lad that is in it. But, one thing I think likely, that they are the men of Temair with Erc son of Fedilmid Nocruthach and of Carbre Niafer. And if it be they, they are not more friends than their leaders here. Mayhap despite his father has this lad come to succour his grandfather at this time. And if these they be, a sea that drowneth shall this company be to ye, and the little lad that is in it that the battle shall this time be won against ye." "How through him?" asked Ailill. "Not hard to tell," Fergus responded: "for this little lad will know neither fear nor dread when slaying and slaughtering, until at length he comes into the midst of your battalion. Then shall be heard the whirr of Conchobar's sword like the yelp of a howling war-hound, or like a lion rushing among bears, while the boy will be saved. Then outside around the battle lines will [Conchobar] pile up huge walls of men's bodies. In turn, filled with love and devotion, the princes of the men of Ulster will hew the enemy to pieces. Boldly will those powerful bulls bellow as the calf of their cow is rescued in the battle on the morn of the morrow."

"Then came there three huge (?), strong, well-braced, cunningly-built castles; three mighty, wheeled-towers like unto mountains, in this wise placed in position: Three royal castles with their thirty fully armed battalions, swarming with evil-tongued warriors and with thirty round-shielded heroes. A bright, beautiful, glistening shield-guard was on each of the three strong, stout battle castles, with black, deadly armament of huge, high, blue, sharp pine-lances, such that one's bent knee would fit in the socket of each smooth, polished, even and hard spearhead that is on each huge, terrible, strange shaft of the terrible, awful, heavy, monstrous, indescribable armament that I saw. A third part of each shaft was contained in the socket of the riveted, very long, securely placed spears; as high as two cubits was each citadel from the ground; as long as a warrior's spear was the height of each battle hurdle; as sharp as charmed sword was the blade of each sickle on the sides and the flanks of each of Badb's hurdles; on each of the three stout and hard battle-hurdles they are to be found. Four dark, yet gleaming, well-adorned doors were on each battle-wheeled tower of the three royal wheeled-towers which were displayed and spread over the plain, with ivory door-posts, with lintels of cypress, with stately thresholds set of speckled, beautiful, strong pine, with their blue, glass door-leaves, with the glitter of crystal gems around each door-frame, so that its appearance from afar was like that of bright shining stars.

"As loud as the crash of a mighty wave at the great spring-tide, or of a huge heavy fleet upon the sea when toiling with the oars along the shore, was the similitude of the din and the clamour and the shouts and the tumult of the multitude and the to-and-fro of the thirty champions with their thirty heavy, iron clubs that they bear in their hands. And when the wheeled-towers advance massively and boldly against the line of heroes, these almost leave behind their arms at the fierce charge of the outland battalions. Then spring the three hundred champions with a shout of vengeful anger over the sides and over the front of the huge iron towers on wheels, so that this it was that checked the swift course and the great, hasty onslaught of the well-grounded, swiftly-moving, mighty chariots. The three stout, strong, battle-proof towers on wheels careered over rough places and over obstacles, over rocks and over heights.

"There coursed the thirty entire chargers, powerful, four abreast, the equal of ninety entire chargers, with manes more than big, bold and leaping, with sack-like, distended nostrils, high-headed, towering, over-powering, wonderful, so that they shook with their ramping the thick shell of the sad-sodded earth. They flecked the plain behind them with the foam dripping from the swift Danish steeds, from the bits and bridles, from the traces and tracks of the huge, maned, mighty steeds, greater than can be told! They excited strife with their din of arms. They plunged headlong in their swift impatience. They aroused great terror at their accoutrement, at their armour, at their cunning, at their power, at their hugeness, at their destructive, terrible, hostile vengeance on the four grand, proud provinces of Erin. Amazing to me was their appearance because of the unwontedness of their trappings both in form and in garb. Three wonderful flights of birds with variety of appearance hovered over them. The first flock was all red, the second flock was white as swans, the third flock as black as ravens. Three red-mouthed demons sped around them as swift as hares, circling the three wheeled towers, and this is what they prophesied:

"Sheaves of battle,

Might of quelling,

Ill of war-deeds,

Sating of foul ravens!

Sodden ground, blood-red;

Men low in dust;

Sheaves on sword-blades!"

"They wheeled about and brought them twelve battle-pillars of thick, huge, iron pillars. As thick as the middle of a warrior's thigh, as tall as a champion's spear was each battle-fork of them, and they placed four forks under each wheeled-tower. And their horses all ran from them and grazed upon the plain. And those forty that had gone in advance descend clad in armour on the plain, and the garrison of the three battle-wheeled towers falls to attacking and harassing them, and is attacked and harassed in turn by those forty champions, so that there was heard the breaking of shields and the loud blows of hard iron poles on bucklers and battle-helmets, on coats of mail and on the iron plates of smooth, hard, blue-black, sharp-beaked, forked spears. And in the whole camp there is none but is on the watch for their fierceness and their wrath and their cunning and their strangeness, for their fury, their achievements and the excellence of the guard. And in the place where the forty champions are and the thousand armed men contending with them, not one of the thousand had a wounding stroke nor a blow on his opponent because of the might of their skill in arms and the excellence of their defence withal!"

"They are hard to contend with for all such as are unfamiliar with them, is the opinion held of them," spake Fergus, "but they are readily to be dealt with for such as do know them. These are three battle-wheeled towers," Fergus continued, "as I perceive from their account. Once I saw their like, namely when as prentice I accompanied Darè to Spain, so that we entered the service of the king of Spain, Esorb to wit, and we afterwards made an expedition to Soda, that is, to the king of Africa, and we gave battle to the Carthaginians. There came their like upon us against the battle-line wherein we were, an hundred battalions and three score hundred in each battalion. One of the wheeled-towers won victory over us all, for we were not on our guard against them. And this is the way to defeat them: To mine a hole broader than the tower in the ground in the front thereof and cover over the pitfall; and for the battle-line to be drawn up over against it and not to advance to attack, so that it is the towers that advance and fall into the pit.

"Lebarcham told me, as I passed over Taltiu, that the Ulstermen brought these towers from Germany, and the towers held a third of the exiles of Ulster among them as their only dwelling; and Cualgae ('a Heap of Spears') is their name, namely battle-penfolds. And herein have ye the sorest of all hardships, for although all the men of Erin are drawn up against them, it is the men of Erin that will be defeated. When they take it upon them to engage in battle they cannot hold out without a combat. Thus will they remain now till morning, every forty men of them contending with the others. And this is my advice to you," said Fergus: "permit me with my division to withstand them, and do ye betake yourselves to the woods and wilds of Erin, and the Ulstermen shall not find ye in any place, and I will proceed as an example, depending on my own men-of-war." "There are men here for ye!" cried Medb. "That will be a force for yourselves," Fergus made answer.

"Yet another company came there to the same height in Slane of Meath," said macRoth. "Not fewer than a division was in it; wild, dark-red, warrior-bands; bright, clear, blue-purple men; long, fair-yellow heads of hair they wore; handsome, shining countenances they had; clear, kingly eyes; magnificent vesture with beautiful mantles; conspicuous, golden brooches along their bright-coloured sleeves; silken, glossy tunics; blue, glassy spears; yellow shields for striking withal; gold-hilted, inlaid swords set on their thighs; loud-tongued care has beset them; sorrowful are they all, and mournful; sad are the royal leaders; orphaned the brilliant company without their protecting lord who was wont to guard their lands." "But, who may they be?" asked Ailill of Fergus. "Indeed, we know them well," Fergus made answer. "Furious lions are they; deeds of battle; the division from the field of Murthemne are they. It is this that makes them cast-down, sorrowful, joyless as they are, because that their own divisional king himself is not amongst them, even Cuchulain, the restraining, victorious, red-sworded one that triumpheth in battle!"

"Good reason, in truth, there is for them to be so," quoth Medb, "if they are dejected, mournful and joyless. There is no evil we have not worked on them. We have harassed and we have assailed them, their territory and their land, from Monday at the beginning of Samaintide till the beginning of Spring. We have taken their women and their sons and their youths, their steeds and the troops of horses, their herds and their flocks and their droves. We have razed their hills after them till they are become lowlands, so that they are level with the plain."

"There is naught thou canst boast over them, O Medb!" cried Fergus. For thou didst them no hurt nor harm that yon fine company's leader avenged not on thee. For every mound and every grave, every stone and every tomb that is from hence to the east of Erin is the mound and the grave, the stone and the tomb of some goodly warrior and goodly youth, fallen at the hands of the noble chieftain of yonder company. Happy he to whom they hold! Woe to him whom they oppose! It will be enough, even as much as half a battle, for the men of Erin, when these defend their lord in the battle on the morning of the morrow."

"I heard a great uproar there, west of the battle or to its east," said macRoth. "Say, what noise was it?" asked Ailill of Fergus. "Ah, but we know it well," Fergus made answer: "Cuchulain it was, straining to go to battle, wearied at the length of his lying sick on Fert Sciach ('Thorn-mound') under hoops and clasps and ropes, and the men of Ulster do not permit him to go because of his sores and his wounds, inasmuch as he is not fit for battle and is powerless for combat after his encounter with Ferdiad."

True indeed spake Fergus. Cuchulain it was, wearied at the length of his lying supine on Fert Sciach under hoops and clasps and ropes.

Then came two women lampoonists from the camp and quarters of the men of Erin; their names, Fethan and Collach, to wit; and they stood with a feint of weeping and wailing over Cuchulain, telling him of the defeat of Ulster and the death of Conchobar and the fall of Fergus in combat.

Toichim na m-buiden ann-so.

And-sain atbert Ailill: Ras-etarrad-sa ám, bar Ailill, arggain Ulad & Cruthni o lúan tati samna co tate n-imbuilg. Tucsam a mnaa & a meic & a maccaémi, a n-eich & a n-echrada, a n-albi & a n-eiti & a n-indili. Barrallsam a tilcha dá n-éis, co failet ina fántaib, comtís comarda síat. Is aire nachass-idnaidib-sa and-so ní bas mó, acht tabrat chath dam-sa ar Maig Ae madi tecra leo. Act ciatberam-ni and-so no taéit nech d'farcsin maigi mórarsing Mide da fiss in tecat Ulaid ind. Acus ma thecait Ulaid ind, ní thechíub-sa da ráith itir, daíg ni robés ríg rotheched dogrés itir. Cia bhad chóir do thecht and, bar cách. Cia acht Mac Roth in rímechlach and-sút.




Tanic Mac Roth reime d'farcsi maigi morfarsing Mide. Nir bo chían do Mac Roth da m-bae and, co cuala inní: in fúaim & in fothrom, in sestan & in sesilbi. Nír súail ní ris bud samalta leiss, acht mar bad hí in firmiment dothuitted bar dunegnuis in talman, ná mar bad hí ind fairgge eithrech ochargorm tísad for tulmoing in bethad, na mar bad é in talam barrálad assa thalamchumscugud, ná mar bad hí ind fidbad rathuitted cách dib i n-glaccaib & gablaib & géscaib araile. Cid trá acht barrafnit na fíadmíla barsin mag, connar bo réil tulmonga maige Mide fóthib.




Tanic Mac Roth co n-innisin sceóil sein co airm i m-baé Ailill & Medb & Fergus & mathi fer n-Erend. Dochúaid Mac Roth dóib aní sin.


Cid and sút a Fergais, bar Ailill. Ni hinsa, bar Fergus. Is é fúaim & fothromm & fidréan atchúalasom, bar Fergus, toirm & torand, sestainib & sesilbi, at Ulaid barfópartatar in fid, imdrong na curad & na cathmíled, ac slaide ind feda cona claidbib rena carpdib. Iss ed ón barraffind na fíadmíla barsin mag, connach réil tulmonga maige Mide fóthib.




Fecht n-aill forréccaig Mac Roth in mag, con facca ní: in n-glaschéo mór ra ercc in comás eter nem & talmain. Andar leiss bátar indsi ás lochaib atchondaic ás fanglentaib na cíach. Andar leis bátar úama ursloicthi atchonnaic and irremthus na ciach cetna. Andar leis balínanarta lín lángela ná bá snechta sithalta ac snigi, ra ta-farfait and tri urdiuich na cíach cetna. Nandar leis ba eochain de ilénaib ilerda ingantacha imda, ná ba hilbrectnugud retland roglan i n-aidchi réoid rosolais, nó ba háible teined trichemrúaid. Atchuala ní: in fúaim & in fothrom, & in fidreán, in toirm & in torand, in sestainib & in sesilbi. Tanic remi co n-innisin in scéoil sin co hairm i m-bái Ailill & Medb & Fergus & mathi fer n-hErend. Dachuaid dóib aní sein.


Cid and-sút ale a Fergais, bar Ailill. Ni insa, bar Fergus. Is é glaschéo mór atchondaic-sium ra erc in comás eter nem & talmain: imthinnsaitin anála na n-ech & na curad, smútgur in láir & luathred na conar conasecgaib ri séol n-gáithe uasu, co n-derna tromchiaich treglaiss de in-nélaib & i n-aéraib.



Batar iat indsi ás lochaib atchonnaic-sium and, cind na cnocc & na tilach ás fánglentaib na cíach: cind na curad & na cathmíled os na carptib & na carpait archena. Batar íat úama urslocthi atchondaic-sium and irremthús na cíach cétna: beóil & sróna na n-ech & na curad, ac súgud grene & gáithe uathu & chuccu, ra tricci na dírma.


Bátar íat línanarta lín lángela atchondairc-sium and, na snechta sithalta ac snigi: in t-úanbach & in chubrach curit glomraigi na srían a belbaigib na n-ech rúanaid rothend ri dremna n-dírma.


Ba hí eóchain de ilenaib ilerda ingantacha imda atchondaic-sium and: gand in lair & ad(u)actur in talman curit na eich assa cossaib & assa cruib conasecgaib ra seól n-gaithi úasa.


Is é in fuáim & fothrom & fidreán, toirm & torand, sestainib & sesilbi atchuala-som and: Scellgur na scíath & ficgrech na sleg, acus glondbéimnech na claideb & bressimnech na cathbarr, drongáir na lúrech, & immchommilt na n-arm, & dechairdecht na cless, tetimnech na tét, & nuallgrith na roth & baschaire na n-ech, & culgaire na carpat & tromchoblach na curad & na cathmiled sund chucaind.


Ba hé ilbrechtnugud retland roglan i n-aidche rosolais ro ta-fárfáid-sium and, na haible tened trichemrúaid: súli cichurda adúathmara na curad & na cathmíled ás na cathbarraib caíni cummaidi cumtachglana, lán din feirg & din baraind ra bertatar leo, risna ragbad ríam na hiaram fír catha na fornirt comlaind & risna gebthar co brunni bhratha & betha.




Ni denam robríg de, bar Medb. Atethatar dagláich & degóic acainni da n-acallaim Ni armim-sea ón om a Medb, bar Fergus, daig atiur-sa brethir nach raichnea i n-hErind nach i n-Alpain sluag acallma Ulad a ras-fecgat a fergga dogrés.


Is and-sain ra gabsatar c[h]ethri ollchoiceda hErend dunad & longphort ac Cláthra inn aidchi sin. Ra facsatar fiallach foraire & freccometa úathu ra hagid n-Ulad, na tistais Ulaid gan robud gan rathugud da saigid.


Is and-sain ra luid Conchobar & Celtchair tricha chét carptech n-imrindi, co n-dessetar i Slemain Mide dar éis na slúag. Acht ciatberam-ni and-so, ni dessetar daráith iter, acht ra thaegat ass d'etarphurt do dunud Ailella & Medba do thetarractain allama d'furdergad re cach.



Nir bo chían do Mac Roth da m-bae and, co faccae ní: inn echrad n-direcra n-dermór i Slemain Mide an-airtúaid cach nh-díriuch. Tanic reme go airm i m-bae Ailill & Medb & Fergus & mathi fer n-hErend. Atfócht Ailill scéla de ar róchtain. Maith a Meic Roth, bar Ailill, in facca-su nech d'Ultaib bar slicht in t-slúaig-seo indiu. Nad fetar-sa ém, ar Mac Roth. Act adchonnac-sa ecrait n-dírecra n-dermóir i Slemain Mide an-airtúaid cach n-díriuch Garsa lín na echraidi ale, bar Ailill. Nad uatti lim tricho chet carpdech n-imrindi indi, .i. deich cét ar fichit chet carpdech n-imrindi, ar Mac Roth.




Maith a Fergais, bar Ailill, cid latt-su ar m-búbthad-ni de smútgur na do dendgur, na d'análfadaig mórsluaig mad gustráthsa, acus na faillatt lín catha dúnni acht sund. Rolúath bic narchessi forro, bar Fergus, daíg ro bífad co m-betis na sluáig ní bad liriu ná mar rádit-sium.


Dentar comairle forbthe athgarit acainni de-side, for Medb, daíg ro fess rar-fúaberad-ni in fer romór rogarg robruthmar út, Conchobar mac Fachtna Fathaig meic Rosa Rúaid meic Rudraigi ardrí Ulad & mac ardríg hErend. Dentar dunibuali urslocthi do feraib hErend ar cind Conchobair, & buiden tricho chét ac a hiadad da éis, & gabtar na fir & na gondar iter, daíg nimmó na dán cimbeda ro thoegat. Conid hí-sin in tress briathar is génnu ra ráded bar táin bó Cualnge, Conchobar gan a guin do gabail & dán cimbeda do denam dona deich cét ar fichit cét batar na farrad de rigraid Ulad.



Acus atchuala Cormac Condlongas mac Conchobair aní sin, & ra fitir mani díglad a chetóir a mórbrethir bar Meidb na digelad go brunni m-bratha & betha.

Acus is and-sin atraacht Cormac Condlongas mac Conchobair cona budin trichat cét d'forddiglammad aíg & urgaili for Ailill & for Meidb. Atraacht Ailill cona trichait chet dó-som. Atraacht Medb cona trichait cet. Atraachtatar na Mani cona trichtaib cet. Atraachtatar Meic Magach cona trichtaib cet. Atraacht in Galeoin & in Mumnig & popul na Temrach, & fognithea etargaire eturru, co n-dessid cach díb irail araile & i fail a arm.



Araisein ra gniad ra Meidb dunibuali ursloicthi ar cind Conchobair & buden tricho chét ac a íadad dia éis. Dariacht Conchobar d'indsaigid na dunibualed aursloicthi, & ni rabi ic íarraid a dorais don t-sainruth iter, acht ra minaig beirn inaid miled ar urchomair a gnúsi & a agthi isin chath & bern chet da leith deiss & bern cét da leith chlí, & imsói chuccu innond & ras mesc thall for a lar & torchratar ocht cét laech lánchalma lais díb. Acus tanic uadib assa athli gan fuligud gan fordergad fair, co n-dessid i Slemain Midi bar cind n-Ulad.




Maith a firu hErend, bar Ailill, taét nech úan d'farcsi maige mórfarsinhg Mide, dá fis cindas na hacgmi ba tecat Ulaid isin tulaig i Slemuin Mide, da innisin dún tuarascbail a n-arm & a n-erriuda, a curad & a cathmiled & a cliathbernadach cét & a fíallach feraind. Gardditi lind eistecht riss mad colléic. Cia doragad and, bar cách. Cia acht Mac Roth in rímechlach, bar Ailill.



Tanic Mac Roth reme co n-dessid i Slemain Mide bar cind Ulad. Ra gabsat Ulaid ac tachim isin tulaig sin a dorbblais na matni muchi co tráth funid na nona. Iss ed mod nar bo thornocht in talam fótho risin ré sin: cach drong díb imma ríg & cach buiden imma tóesech. Cach rí & cach tóisech & cach tigerna go lín a slúag & a sochraite, a thinóil & a thochostail fa leith. Cid trá acht doriachtatar Ulaid uile re trath funid nóna isin tulaig sin i Slemuin Mide.



Tánic Mac Roth reme go tuarascbáil in chetna braini dib leis, [tuarascbáil a n-airm & a n-erriuda, a curad & a cathmiled & a cliathbernada cét & a-fiallach feraind] go airm i m-bói Ailill & Medb & Fergus & mathi fer n-hErend. Atfócht Ailill & Medb scéla de ar rochtain. Maith a Meic Roth, bar Ailill, cindas na hecgmi na taicgme bhá tecat Ulaid isin tulaig i Slemain Mide.

1. Nad fetar-sa ám, bar Mac Roth, act tanic buden bruthmar brígach mórcháin isin tulaig sin i Slemuin Mide, bar Mac Roth. Dóig ri farcsin & ri fegad tri trichu cét indi. Barallsat a n-etaigi díb uile, concechlatar firt fótbaig ba suide a tóisig. Óclach seta fata [n]airard [n]ardmín foruallach i n-airinuch na budni sin. Cáiniu di flaithib in domuin rita-coemnacair, eter a sluagaib, eter urud & gráin & báig & chostud. Folt findbuide issé cass dess drumnech tóbach far-ide. Cuindsiu chaem chorcarglan leis. Rosc roglass gossarda, issé cicharda aduathmar ina chind. Ulcha degablach issí buide úrchass bha smech. Fúan corcra corrtharach caéicdiabuil imbi. Eó óir isin brutt os a bruinne. Léine glégel chulpatach bha dergintlind do dergór fria gelchness. Gelscíath go tuagmilaib dergoir fair. Claideb órduirn intlaissi isindara láim dó, mánais lethanglass isin láim anaill. Dessid in laech sin i n-urard na tulcha, go toracht cach cuce, & dessetar a buden imbe.






2. Tanic buiden aile and dana isin tulaig cetna i Slemuin Mide, far Mac Roth. Tanaise dá trichtaib cet ata-caemnacair. Fer cáin and dana i n-airinuch na budni sin caedessin. Folt findbuide fair. Ulcha éicsi imchass imma smech. Bratt uanide i forcipul imme. Cassán gelargit isin brut ós a brunni. Léni donderg míleta bha dergindliud do dergór frí gelchnes i caustul go glunib dó. Caindell rígthaige na láim go féthanaib argait & co fonascaib óir. Is ingnad reba & abarta dogní in t-sleg fil na láim na óclaige: immireithet impe na fethana argit sech na fonascaib óir cachla céin o erlond gó indsma, iceind aill dana it íat na fónasca óir immireithet sech na fethanaib argit ó indsma go hirill. Scíath bemmendach go faebor chonduala fair. Claideb co n-eltaib dét & co n-imdenam snaith óir bar a chliu. Dessid in laéch sain for láim[m] chlí ind óclaig thoesig tánic issin tulaig & dessetar a buiden imbe. Act ciatberam-ni and-so, ni destetar de ráith itir, acht a n-glúini fri lár doib & imbel a scíath ac a smechaib doib a fat leo go lectar chucaind. Acht ata ní chena, dom-farfáit formindi mór issin óclach mór borrfadach is toesech don budin sin.






3. Tanic buden aile and dana isin tulaig cétna i Slemuin Mide, for Mac Roth, tanaise da séitche eter lín & chostud & timthaige. Laech caem cendlethan i n-airinuch na buidni sin. Folt dualach dondbuide fair. Rosc duillech dubgorm for foluamain ina chind. Ulcha eícsi imchass issí degablach imchaél imma smech. Bratt dubglass bhaloss i forcipul imme. Delg duillech de findruine sin brutt ós a bruinne. Léne gelchulpatach frí chness. Gelscíath co túagmílaib argait inti fair. Maeldorn findargait i n-intiuch bodba fa choimm. Ture rígthige fria aiss. Dessid in laech sain issind firt fotbaig bhad fiadnaisi dond óclach thóesech thanic isin tulaig, & destetar a buiden imme. Acht ba binnithir lim ra fogor mendchrott illámaib súad ica sirshennim bindfogrugud a gotha & a irlabra inn óclaíg ac acallaim in óclaíg thoesig thanic issin tulaig, & ac tabairt cacha comairle dó.




Cia sút ale, bar Ailill ri Fergus. Ra-ta-fetammar ám ale, bar Fergus. Is hé cétna laech cét-ra-chlass in fert fótbaig i n-urard na tulcha, go toracht cách cuce: Conchobar mac Fachtna Fathaig meic Rosa Ruaid meic Rudraigi ardrí Ulad & mac ardríg hErend. Is é laech formend mór dessid for a láim chlí Conchobair: Causcraid Mend Macha mac Conchobair, co maccaib rig Ulad imme, & co maccaib ríg hErend ra failet ina farrad. Is hí in t-sleg atchondaic ina láim: in Chaindel Chuscraid sein, co fethanaib argit & go fonascaib óir. Is bés don t-sleig sin nachis-imrethet impe ríam na híaram na fethana argait sech na fonasca óir acht gar ré coscur écin. Acus is doig go m-bad gar re coscur ros-imreittís impe and-so innossa.





Is hé laech caém cendlethan dessid issind firt bhad fiadnaissi don óclách thoesech thanic issin tulaig, Sencha mac Ailella meic Máilchló soirlabraid Ulad & fer sidaigthe slóig fer n-hErend. Acht atiur-sa brethir chena, ni comairle mettachta na midlaigechta rabeir dá thigerna issin ló bhaga sa indiu, acht is comairle gaile & gascid & engnama & mathiusa do dénam. Acht atiur-sa bhrethir chena, bar Fergus, is togaes denma opre atraactatar im Chonchobar immucha lá indiu and-sain. Ni denam robríg díb, bar Medb. Attethatar deglaich & dagóic acainni da n-acallaim. Ni ármim-sea ón omm, bar Fergus. Acht atiur-sa bhrethir nach raichnea i n-hErind nach i n-Alpain slúag acallma Ulad aras-fecat a fergga do (grés).




4. Tanic buden aile dana isin tulaig cétna i Slemuin Mide, bar Mac Roth. Fer find fata mór i n-airinuch na budni sin, is é grísta gormainech. Folt dond temin fair, is é slimthanaide bar a étun. Bratt forglass i filliud imme. Delg argit isin brutt os a brunni. Leni gel manáisech fri chness. Cromscíath comfaebur chondualach fair. Sleg cuicrinni na láim. Colg dét iarna innud. Cia sút ale, bar Ailill ri Fergus. Ra-ta-fetamar ám, bar Fergus. Is cur lám for debaid sin, is cathmílid bhar níth, is brath bar bidbadu cach tanic and. Eogan mac Durthachta a fosta Fernmaige atúaid and-sin.





5. Tanic buden aile and isin tulaig cetna i Slemuin Mide, for Mac Roth. Ni gó ám is borrfadach forfópartatar in tulaig sin. Is tromm in gráin, is mór in t-urud ra bertatar leo. A n-étaige uile dar a n-aiss. Laech cendmar curata i n-airinuch na budni sin, is e cicharda uathmar. Folt n-etrom n-grelliath fair. Súle bude móra na chind. Bratt buide caiclámach imme. Delg óir buide sin brutt os a bruinne. Léne bude chorrtharach frí chness. Gae semnech slindlethan slegfota co m-bráen (fola) dar a faebor ina laím. Cia sút ale, bar Ailill ri Fergus. Ra-ta-fetamar ám ale in laech sain, bar Fergus. Ni imgab cath na cathróe na comlund na comrac cách thánic and. Loegaire Buadach mac Connaid Buide meic Iliach ó Immail atúaid and-sain.




6. Tanic buden aile and dana isin tulaig cetna i Slemuin Mide, for Mac Roth. Laech munremur collach i n-airinuch na buidni sin. Folt dub tóbach fair. Gnuis chnedach chorcarda fua. Rosc roglass lainnerda na chind. Gae súlech go foscadaib uasu. Dubscíath co caladbualid findruini fair. Brat odorda bhachuaslae imme. Bretnas banóir isin brut os a bruinne. Léine threbraid síte fria chnes. Claideb co n-eltaib dét & co n-imdenam órsnáith ar a etaig immaig anechtair. Cia sút ale, bar Ailill ri Fergus. Ra-ta-fetammar ám ale, bar Fergus. Is cur lam for ugra sain, is tond romra bhádes, is fer tri n-greth, is muir dar múru cách thanic and. Munremur mac Gercind a Moduirn atúaid and-sain.





7. Tanic buden aile and dana isin tulaig cetna i Slemuin Mide, for Mac Roth. Laech cetherlethan comremar i n-airinuch na buidni sin. Is é anisc odorda. Is é derisc tarbda. Crundrosc odorda n-adardd ina chind. Folt bude rochass fair. Crundscíath derg co m-bil chaladargait ina imthimchiull úasu. Gae slindlethan slegfota na láim. Bratt riabach imme. Eó uma isin brutt as a brunni. Léni chulpatach i caustul ga forcnib dó. Colg dét iarna chossliasait chlí. Cia sút ale, ar Ailill ri Fergus. Ra-ta-fetammar ám ale, bar Fergus. Is sond catha sain, is buáid cacha irgaile. Is fodb trescada cách thanic and. Connud mac Morna ó Challaind atúaid and-sain.





8. Tanic buden aile and dana isin tulaig cetna i Slemuin Mide, for Mac Roth. Ní gó ám, is tailc & is tarbech forrópartatar in tulaig sin, con ro chrothsatar na sluáig conarnecar indi for a cind. Fer caém grata i n-airinuch na budni sin. Áldem de dáinib in domuin eter chruth & deilb & denam, eter arm & erriud, eter mét & míad & masse, eter chreitt & gasced & chóra. Ni gó ám ale, bar Fergus. Is hí epert chomadas-som sain. Ni dúi forlomma cach thanic and. Is bidba cáich, is gus nad fulangar. Is tond anbthena bádes. Is luchair n-aga in fer álaind. Feidilmid Chilair chetail ó Elland atúaid and-sain.





9. Tanic buden aile and dana sin tulaig cetna i Slemuin Mide, for Mac Roth. Ni comtig laéch is chaémiu ná in laech fail i n-airinuch na buidni sin. Folt tóbach dergbuide fair. Aiged focháin forlethan laiss. Rosc roglass gossarda, is é caindelda gárechtach na chind. Fer cóir cutrumma, is é fata fochael folethan. Beóil deirg thanaide leiss. Deoit niamda némanda. Corp gelcnesta. Cassán gelderg i fadi uasu. Eó óir isin brutt os a brunni. Léne de sról ríg ma dergfhilliud de dergór fri gelchness. Gelscíath co tuagmílaib dergóir fair. Claideb órduirn intlassi for a chliu. Gae fata faeborglass re faga feig fobarta, co suanemnaib loga, co semmannaib findruine ina laim. Cia sút ale, bar Ailill ri Fergus. Ra-ta-fetammar am ale, bar Fergus. Is leth n-glíad sain, is galiud comlaind, is londbruth n-archon cách tanic and. Reochaid mac Fathemain o Rígdond atuaid and-sain.






10. Tanic buden aile and dana isin tulaig cetna i Slemuin Mide, for Mac Roth. Laech brainech remursliastach i n-airinuch na budni sin, bec nach remithir fer cach n-oenball de. Ni gó ám, is fer co talmain, all se. Folt dond tóbach fair. Gnúis chorcra chrundainech fúa. Rosc m-brecht n-urard ina chind. Fer án athlam and samlaid, co n-ócaib dubartacha dobsuilb, co n-idna ruad lassamain, co n-ábairt imtholta, co saigit secht comlond do brissiud ar forlond, co tuidmech fóbarta fair, can chommairge Conchobair aca itir. Cia sut ale, bar Ailill ri Fergus. Ra-ta-fetammar ám ale, ar Fergus. Bá hitte di gail & di gasciud cách thanic and. Bae itte di drúis & tarpige. Táthud do sluagaib & d'armaib, rind aig & imgona fer n-hErend ar túarsciurt. Mo derbchomalta-sa fadessin, Fergus mac Leit[h]e o Líne atuaid and-sain.





11. Tanic buden aile and dana isin tulaig cetna i Slemuin Mide, for Mac Roth, is hí fossaid écsamail. Laech alaind escaid i n-airiniuch n a budni sin. Gorm nart cáel corrtharach, go stuagaib fíthi figthi féta findruini, go cnappib dilsi deligthi derggóir for bernadaib & brollaig dó (fri cness). Bratt bommannach co m-búaid cach datha thariss. Caechruth óir fair, .i. a scíath fair. Claideb crúaid catut colgdiriuch i n-ardgabail churad bar a chlíu. Sleg díriuch drumnech ar derglassad na láim. Cia sút ale, bar Ailill ri Fergus. Ra-ta-fetammar ám ale, bar Fergus. Is roga rígfiled sain. Is ruathur ratha, is rót do báre. Is tarbbech a gal cách thanic and. Amargin mac Ecelsalaig Goband in file maith o Búais atúaid.






12. Tanic buden aile and dana sin tulaig cetna i Slemuin Mide, for mac Roth. Laech find buide i n-airinuch na budni sin. Find uile in fer sain eter folt & rosc & ulcha & abratchur & dechelt. Sciath bualedach fair. Claideb órduirn intlassi bar a chliu. Sleg cuicrind confaittnedar dar in slúag uile ina láim. Cia sút ale, bar Ailill ri Fergus. Ra-ta-fetammar ám ale, bar Fergus. Inmain ám laech síde far tuáith rar-fanic and, inmain bethir balcbéimnech, inmain mathgamain mórglonnach fri hecratu cuncan ferglond fóparta. Feradach Find Fechtnach a Nemud Slebe Fúait atuaid and-sain.




13. Tainic buiden ele isin tulaigh i Sleamain Midhi, ar Mac Roth. Tri hoclaigh gasta griosta gormoinecha i n-aire-nach na buidne sin.Tri bruit comdatha forra.Tri sgeit(h) comcosmaile forra. Tri sleaga coicrinde ina laimibh. Cia sut a Fergais, ar Oilill. Ro fetar-sa sin, ar Fergus, tri ruirigh roth, tri cuingidh Copha, tri morglondaigh Midhluacra, tri hairsigh airthir Erenn, .i. tri mic Fiacna i n-deghaidh a tairb ann sin, .i. Ros agus Daire & Iomchadh, ar is doip ro badh selb in Dond Cuailnge. Cid ina n-aonar tistais, is cath do berdaois daib-si ic cosnamh a ttairbh & a ttana, cin cob rempa con srainfithi edir.





14. Tanic buden aile and dana isin tulaig cetna i Slemuin Mide, for Mac Roth. Días maéth-oclách i n-airinuch na budni sin. Da bratt úanide i forcipul impu. Da chassan gelargait isna brattaib ás a m-brunnib. Dá léne di slemun-sítu buide fria enessaib. Claidbi gelduirn for a cressaib. Da sleig cuicrind co fethanaib argait oengil ina lámaib. Immaés bec eturru de sodain. Cía sut ale, bar Ailill ri Fergus. Ra-ta-fetammar ám ale, bar Fergus. Dá óenrath sain, dá oenmuntind, da óenlosnaid, da óenchaindill, dá ching, da churaid, da chlethbriugaid, da dreicg, da thenid, da thuidmechtaid, da deil, da dana, da dásachtach, da threittell Ulad imma rig. Fiachaig & Fiachna and-sain, da mac Conchobair meic Fachtna meic Rossa Ruaid meic Rudraigi and-sain.




15. Tanic buden aile and dana sin tulaig cetna, for Mac Roth. Is bádud ar méit, is tene ruadlossi, is cath ar lín, is ald ar nirt, is bráth ar bláriud, is torand ar tharpigi. Fer ferggach uathmar irggráin i n-airinuch na buidni sin, is é srónmar, ómar, ubullruisc. Folt n-garb n-grelíath. Bratt ríbháin imme. Cualli iairn isin brutt os a brunni co n-geib on gualaind go araile dó. Léne garb threbnaid fri chness. Claideb secht m-brattomon do iurn athlegtha iarna thaebdruimm. Tilach dond fair .i. a scíath. Líathga mór co trichait semmand trina cró na láim. Cid trá acht ro 1á dírna dina cathaib & dina sluagaib ac déscid in láich sin, & a buden immi oc tiachtain sin tulaig i Slemuin Mide. Cia sút ale, bar Ailill ri Fergus. Ra-ta-fetammar ám ale, bar Fergus. Is leth catha sain, is cend n-imresna, is cend ar gail, is muir dar crichu cách thanic and. Celtchair mór mac Uthechair a Lethglaiss atúaid and-sain.





16. Tanic buden aile and dana isin tulaig cetna i Slemuin Mide, for Mac Roth, is hí bailc bruthmar, is í éitig uathmar. Laech bruasach bélmar i n-airinuch na budni sin, is hé lethgleóir leithincehind lamfota. Folt dond rochass fair. Bratt dub luascach imme. Roth creda sin brutt ás a brunni. Léni derscaigthi fri cness. Claideb urfota fa choim. Mánais murnech ina deiss. Líathboccóit fair, .i. a sciath. Cia sút ale, bar Ailill ri Fergus. Ra-ta-fetam(ar) ám, bar Fergus. Is hé in leo lond lámderg sain, is é in t-art amnas agsidi forrges gail. Eirrge Echbé1 o Brí Errgi atuaid and-sain.





17. Tanic buden aile and dana sin tulaig cetna i Sleniuin Mide, for Mac Roth. Fer mór bresta i n-airinuch na budni sin. Folt ruadderg fair. Súle ruadderga móra na chind. Sithithir ri cruimmthir meóir miled cechtar n-ái diná rigrosc rúad romóra failet laiss. Bratt brecc imme. Scíath glass fair. Gae gorm tanaide uasa. Buiden fuilech fordergg imme. Sessium féin créchtach fuilech eturru ar medón fadessin. Cia sut ale, bar Ailill ri Fergus. Ra-ta-fetammar ám ale, bar Fergus. Is é in dána dichondircil, is é inn acci lómnach, is é in lumne léitmenach, is é in robb rigthi, is é in Cholptha, is é in buadgalach Bale, is hé luirg, is é in búridach Berna, is é in tarb dasachtach. Mend mac Salcholgan o Rénaib na Boinne.




18. Tanic buden aile and dana sin tulaig cetna i Slemuin Mide, for Mac Roth. Laech lecconfota odorda i n-airinuch na budni sin. Folt dub fair. Sithballrád ( .i. cossa). Bratt derg fachaslái imme. Brettnas bánargait isin brutt os a brunni. Léni linidi frí chness. Sciath chroderg co comraid fair. Claideb co n-irdurn argait bar a chliu. Sleg uillech órchrúi uasu. Cia sút ale, bar Ailill ri Fergus. Ra-ta-fetamar ám ale, bar Fergus. Fer tri ruitte sin, fer trí raitti, fer tri ramata, fer tri m-bristi, fer tri m-búada, fer tri mh-bága. Fergna mac Findchonna rí Búraig Ulad atúaid and-sain.





19. Tanic buden aile and dana sin tulaig cetna i Slemuin Mide, for Mac Roth. Fer cáin mór i n-airinuch na budni sin. Cosmail ra Ailill n-ucud n-adrind n-inchoisc eter chruth & ergnus & gili, eter arm & erriud & gail & gasciud & gart & gnímrada. Sciath go(rm) co cobraid óir. Claideb órduirnd bar a (chlíu). Sleg coicrind co n-ór ina láim. Mind (n-óir) úasu. Cia sút ale, bar Ailill ri Fergus. Ra-ta-fetammar ám ale, bar Fergus. Is f(orus fer)dhaide sain, fuaparta forlaind, (is forbrisiud) fer cách thanic and. Furbaidi (Fer)bend mac Conchobair á Sil im-Maig Inis atúaid and-sain.




20. Tainic buiden ele isin telaigh i Slemain Midi, ar Mac Roth, aes fegh foruallach, cuire ruithech rioghdaidhi co timtacht n-examail itir gel agus gorm & dub agus corcair, conadh fri righ samailter cach fer fegh foirglidhi isin druinc aird olladbail. Ingelt sula sochaidhi feccain a sgemhe agus a n-ecuisc, mur badh teact i n-aonach ard olladbul da cech aonduine don cuiri sin. Triar uasal oireaghdha i n-airenach na buidne sin. An cetna fer diob, brat dubglas go ccorthoraibh orsnath imbe, eo oir isin brat os a bruinde, lene do sioda soinemáil fria cnes, iallacranda uainecda les. Ni hiomda d'feraibh in betha nech is aille inás. Monc fionnbuidhi fair, cloidemh dét drechsolus co n-ecairsi d'orsnáth ina deaslaimh. Fo cheird in colcc n-dét sin a n-airde, co tuit for cenn ind fir medhonaigh, comrac nat comraic fris. Atetha suas doridhisi, co tuit for cend ind fir oile, agus atetha an fer oile ina laimh, agus ni faosglann faol no tuinn for cenn ceachtair de diob, agus nís n-facatar in dias sin.





Da oclach donna dathaille drechsoillsi. Bruit dercclietha iompa. Delc fionnairccit isna brataibh os a m-bruindibh. Cloidme gealduirn fo a coim. Iallacranna corcra leó. Bindithir teta mendcrot illamaibh suadh ica siorsenm guth agus amar in dara fir, conadh lor do airpeted don t-sluagh coisdeacht fria fogur a gotha. Fiú righ no rigdamna cech fer isin buidin sin itir timtacht agus eccasg, dar lat ica fairccsin batar rig ule iet. Ni fuilit gái no cloidme aca acht atat aga n-giollaibh.



Aos foruallach sin, ar Oilill, agus cia hiet a Fergais, ar se. Ro fetar-sa émh, ar Fergus, oes dana Uladh im Fercertne sin, an fear fionn iolchlesach at connarcais .i. ollamh Uladh Fercertne sin. As roimhe thraighit na locha agus na haibhne an tan aoras, & con tocbann i n-airdi in tan molas. An dias oile at condarcais .i. Athairne an t-airdfilidh, as fair nach fetaid daine era do tabairt, agus Oilill Miltenga mac Carbadh, agus is uime aderar Oilill Milteng(a) fris, millsigthir mil sgotha na hexe uadh.



21. Tainic buiden ele isin telaigh i Sleamain Midhi, ar Mac Roth, fargsi forgranda adhuathmhar re fegad forra. Aráidi gorma agus breaca agus uaine, corcra, glasa agus fionda & dubha. Riglach fionnliath roisglethan i n-airenach na buidne sin. Folt craobhach finnlieth fair. Araid gormcorcra ime. Delcc duillech co n-ecor oir isin brat ós a bruindi. Scieth morglindidhe co m-bocoidibh derccuma. Iallacranna buidhi les. Cloidemh mor gaillecasgda ierna imdhae. Dá óclach forcasa aighfionna iccomfocraibh dhó. Aráidi uaine agus iallchrainn corcra agus ionair gorma agus sgeth donna delgnacha ina lamaib. Cloidmi gealduirn co n-eaccor fiondruine foraibh. Drech leathan lethgabar lasan dara fer diobh. Tocbaidh in dara fer foirbhthi dibh a imcaisi co nem agus fethaidh niulla nime agus do ber freacra don buidin amra fil uime. Tocbuit uile a rosca a n-airdi agus fethit naniulla, agus luait breachta a n-agaidh na n-dúl co m-bít na duilé ic cathughudh eatorrae, co luáit cithnella tenedh cum dúnaidh & loncphuirt fer n-Erenn.




Cia sud a Ferghais, ar Oilill. Ro fetar-sa sin, ar Ferghus, forus fesa, coimsig dul, ascnamh nime, dallaid (?) rosca, gebaidh (?) luth n-echtrand tria indtleacthaibh drúadh, .i. Cathbadh caomdhraói co n-draoithibh Uladh uime, agus isedh do ber airdcenn é ic midemuin na n-dúl do taisgeladh forra cionnas bias iardraighi in catha moir si for Gairighi agus Iolgáirighi. An dá óclach fileat uime, at iat a da mac .i. Imrim mac Cathbhadh agus Genonn Gruadsolus mac Cathbadh, as aigi-siomh fil in drec(h) lethgabur. Cidh tra acht bidh trom le feralb Erenn beith ac fulang dichelta na n-drúadh.



22. Tainic buiden ele isin telaigh i Slemuin Midhi, ar Mac Roth, buiden dírimh drechsolus. Timtachta dearsgaightheacha leo. Ferbolg fo coim gach fir diop. Fer fiondgruaccach tarbdha i n-airenach na buidne sin. Rosc duilech draganta ina chionn. Brat dubluascach fo oraib corcra uime. duillech breacht co n-geamaibh for cleth a octa isin brat. Lene asnadach orsnath uime. Gerrcloidem áith amhnas co n-eclandaibh oir ina laim. Ticedh cach d'fechain a cnedh agus a creacht, a n-gon agus a n-galar cuici-siomh agus no innisedh a galar da cach aón agus do beredh freapaidh íca dá cach aón, agus isedh tic fri cach aon an galar indisios doibh. As nert liaig-gaoisi, as slanugudh cnedh, as díchur euga, as esbaidh cach enirt in fer sin, ar Fergus, .i. Fingin fathliaigh liaig Concobair co leaghaibh Uladh uime. As é sin do ber aithne ar galar in duine tre diaig in tigi imbí d'faicsin no tre na cnet do closs(tin). A coimeta leghis, as iat na ferbolga do connarcais aca.




23. Tainic buiden ele isin telaigh i Sleamuin Midhi, ar Mac Roth, sluagh tren trom ainbhtenach. Cuirit gretha im nithgalaibh ar con ferait finnclesa. . . . no soicdis na n-iorcomhair. Tochlait in talamh tromfóidech fri nert fercci faobhraighe, ar na leicit tromfhlaithi coicidh cennaird Concobair tiactain don mordhúnadh, no co d-tí cách. Dá óclach donna mora i n-airenach na buidne sin. Muadhruisc medharda ina ccendaibh. Lenda dubglasa go n-geamdhelccaibh arccait iompa. Cloidhmhe mora benndorncar co b-ferbolccaibh leó. Sc(éith) tailcti treabarda aca. Mana(isi) brefecha co sreathaibh semann ina (lámaibh). Lénti ligda fria cnesaibh. Ro fetamar emh an buidin sin, ar Fergus. Teglach Concobair agus a amhuis ann sin, as iet a dhá thaoisech .i. Glaisne & Mend da mac Uithechair.


24. Tainic buiden ele isin telaigh i Sleamain Midhi, ar Mac Roth, .i. buiden giollanraidhe moire. Fer dub dian temhnighe temerdha i n-airenach na buidhne sin. Seacd slabhradha ima braghait, moirseser i ccinn cacha slabhraidh. Do srenga-som na secht moirseser sin co m-benann a srubha fri talmain, co tabrait athais fair, co fostann. Ata fer uathmar oile ann, & in nertlía na tocbait na trénfir, cuirid-siomh for a bhois & curid i n-airdi uiret téid uiseog illó ainle. Fertaslorcc iaraind for a chrios. Ro fetar-sa na fir sin, ar Fergus, Trioscatal trenfer tigi Concobair, is é cuires an líg a n-airdi, Ercenn tri m-brugaid is é fil is na slabradaibh.



25. Tainic buiden mhór ruithech isin tealaigh i Sleamain Midhi, ar Mac Roth. Tri hoclaich forcassa oigfionna i n-airenach na buidni sin. Tri lenna casdercca co m-bretnasaibh fiondruini i timthacht iompa. Tri srepandlenti sioda co n-iomuaim órdha i custul iompa. Tri sceith engacha co d-tuágmhilaibh fiondruine forra, agus go ccobradhaibh derccoir. Tri fetha fogera co n-iomdorn orsnath iarna formna. Slegha slindlethna for crandaibh midhsenga ina lamaibh. Cia badh doich annsúd a Fergais, ar Oilill. Ro fetar-sa sin, ar Fergus, tri neme nathrach, trí fégh, tri faobra, tri fuirecra, tri rainn agha, tri uaithne coicrichi, tri daimthinn Uladh, tri urbadha Erenn, tri buadhroscaigh morsluaigh ann-sin, ar Fergus, tri mic Concobair .i. Glas agus Maine agus Conaing.





26. Tainic buiden ele isin tealaigh i Sleamain Midhi, ar Mac Roth, pa digrais dathalainn étrochtglan fo ciochlatar isin tulaigh. Nior bo huaiti trichait cet a b-fairesi. Oclach gasta gruadhalainn i n-airenach na buidhni (sin.) Folt fionnbuidhi fair. Cia fo cerd(tha) miach do chnoibh derccfuiscthi for a mullach, (ni) roichfedh cnú for lar dioph tria cleactaibh camchasa a chinn. An dara suil do as glaisithir bugha, duibithir druimne daoil an t-suil oile. An dara habra dubh, aroile fionn. Ulcha degablanach fiondbuidhi fair. Fuan diograis doindercc ina thimthacht. Eo croind coimheccar co n-gem do licc logmar ig a foriadadh ina brut os a desrigh. Ionar srethach sroill co m-bil órda fria cnes. Scieth bithghel fair. Gae bailcbémnech bhuadhnasach uása. Cloidemh aithger co n-imaltaibh óir deircc for a sliasait. Cia sud a Fergais, ar Oilill. Ro fetar-sa émh, ar Fergus, as nith for naimhdibh, as uathugudh iorghaile, as bruth biasta, as fercc leomain, as tuachles naithrech, as all Bodhba, as muir dar mura, as cumsgugudh cairge, as buaidhredh borbshloig .i. Conall Cernach mac ardallata Aimirgin fil ann sin.




27. Tanic buden aile and dana sin tilaig cetna i Slemain Mide, for Mac Roth. Is hi fossud écsamail risna budnib aile. Aill bruitt deirg. Aill bruit glaiss. Aill bruitt guirm. Aill bruitt úane. Blae bána bhuide it íat álle etrocta uasu. Undseo mac m-bec m-brecderg co m-brutt chorcra eturru bar medón bhadessin. Eó óir isin brutt os a brunni. Lene de sról ríg bha derggintliud de dergór fri gelchness. Gelsciat(h) go tuagmílaib dergóir fair. Taul óir barsin sciath, bil óir ina imthimchiull. Claideb órduirn bec ba choimm aice. Gae aith etromm go foscathaib uasu.



Cia sút ale, bar Ailill ri Fergus. Nad fetar-sa ám ale, bar Fergus, innass na budni sin, ná in mac bec fil inti d'facáil ri Ultaib dar m'éis. Acht oen bad doig lim-sa and, comtis iat fir Themra im Ercc mac Fedilmithi Nóchruthaigi, mac side Carpri Nia fer. Acus mas iat nímo carat anairich and-so. Dóig sa dichmairc a athar dodechaid in mac bec sain, d'forithin a senathar din chur sa, & mad siat, bud muir con baidfea duib-si in buden sain, daíg is tria gin na buidni sin & in meic bic ra fail inti con mae foraib-si in cath sa don chur sa. Cid de-side, bar Ailill. Ni insa, bar Fergus. Dóig ní faccéga in mac bec sain uath na húamain ga bhar slaidi-si & ga bhar n-essarggain, co tora lár far catha chucaib. Con cechlastar rucht claidib Conchobair mar glimmaig n-archon i fathad na mar leoman oc tech(t) fo mathgamnaib, con cichre Cuchulaind cethri múru móra de chollaib doene immon cath sechtair. Bát bágaig, bat condalbaig con fuarcfet flaithe fer n-Ulad ar n-úair. Is ferda con burfet in damrad dermór oc tessargain láig a m-bó issi(n) chath issin matin se imbarach.




28. Tanccatar ann teora dúi dana trethnasa trena trenaigthe, tri rúada rot(h)a fo cotat-cosmailios samlaidh suidighthe, teora righcaistel cona trichait cath m-baitel m-birdha merblighthi milabartacha co d-tricha(i)tt curadh cruinnsgieth. Sciethergal n-etrocht n-ailenda niemdha for ceactar na teora ruadchaistel calma cathaigthech cona n-idna n-dubh n-duaibsech d'omnadaibh aidble ardaibh gormaib geraib giusdaib, cosmail condiosadh (?) glun diabalta iniondsma cacha sleghi slemne sliptha sleman-cruaide fil for cach n-omna n-adbail n-edigh n-ingnathaigh don iodhna eidigh aithighe andsa uathmar anaithnidh ar ro dercus. Trian da cach cronn dib an congebadh iniondsma na sleagh semnech sithfoda so ráthaighthi. Airdighther dn (?) cubhat cach caistel on talmhain. Sithither slegh laich airde cach cathbuailedh. Geraither cloidem senta sothinmiche cech serra da b-fuil i toebaib & i slesaibh cacha buailedh bodhba. Do ceactar na teora catad-caladh cathbhuailedh atacomnaic. Cetheora doirsi dorblasta dronecairthi ar cach roth nét dona teoraibh rothaibh rigdaibh ro taisbenta, ro serntar in magh, co n-ersandaibh ebhernecdaibh, co fordoirsibh cuiprisibh, co d-tairsightibh segdha suidighti do bín bric bhuilidh brighmhair, cona comladaibh gorma gloinidhi, co m-breactradh do gemaibh criostail im cech n-imdorus, co m-ba samalta fria reltanaibh rosolasta a n-imcisin do chén.



Metighter tairm tuinni treni i n-aimsir robarta no tromcoblaigh moir muiridhi re himarbaigh n-imraba sec taob tire cosmaile na muirne & in griocas agus in greadhan agus seselbe na sochaidhe agus aimh tháimh in trichat curadh cona trichait susti n-imtrom n-iarnaidhe filit ina lamaibh. & in tan fo cinget in roth co hanbhail imdiscir i ccend catha na ccuradh, suaill nach facbat a n-inna la himforran na ccath n-almuirech. Is ann forlengat na tri cet curadh for siangles n-dibherge dar slesaibh agus dar brainibh na roth n-adbal n-iarnaidhi, conidh eadh do thairmisc dianimrim agus dianbruthghail mor na ffondadh fotamail foluaimnech fortamail. Nos foghluaisiond na teora calma-caladh-roth ruadhcathaigtech dar dendaibh agus dar droibelaibh, dar allaibh & dar ardaibh.



Do riadatar in trentricha culcalma ceithirrieta for nochait miodhach mongach mos(?)-adbal brairech(?)bedccach balcsroin ardcenna ardmora aidble iongantacha, co ro focroitsitar ar asoilecthi troimceltar in talman tromfoidigh. Ro aladh-brecsatar in magh dia n-es do uanfadaigh na n-ech n-danarda ag snige a glomraibh & a srianmirendaibh, a lorccaibh agus a hesaibh na marc mor mongach mosach (?) mo aisnedter. Ro drendaigetar ar armgrithghair. Ro dianaigheatar ar dreman-denmnetne. Atgrainitar ar erradh ar armnertmaire, ar tangnacht ar thresi ar tairptighi, ar diantarractain fuacdha anacardha anserga for cetri coicctibh aidblibh air(egdaibh) Erenn. Machtad liom a n-imcha(isi) re hiongantacht a n-escrime (itir deilbh) agus deceltaibh. Teora hialla ingnathacha go ro-examlacht ecaisc uasta. An cetna hialla dercc uile, an iall thanaise it gilithar gési, an tres iall duibhither fiaich. Teora badba beldercca impu luaitither fiamhain timcioll na teora roth, agus iseadh forcanaid:




Cisel catha

aidble n-dinge

ainble angluinne

rastair brain brocaig

treth flannruadh fond

daine in-úir

for cissi cisél.

Turtoiset agus tucsat da cathuaithne dec cuctha do uaitnedaibh mora aidble iarnaidhi. Remither medhon lon laich. Airdither slegh curadh cach cathgabal diobh agus ro suidigsetar cetheora gabla fo cech roth. Agus ro tetlaidhsid a n-gabhra uile uaidhibh con geltatar in magh. Agus desitar in cetracha remtechtach út fon arm-gaiscidh ar in magh, & nus gabat forenn na tri cathrothcaistél in imairec agus in imgliaidh frisin cetrachait laoch ud, co ccluinter brioscbuar na m-bocoidech & muadhbemnech na loircfersatt nuiriarainn fri sgiethaibh agus fri cathbarraibh, fri luirechaibh agus fri slendaibh slegh sleamancruaid n-gorm [n-gob] n-dub n-gobger n-gabaltach. Agus ni fuil san dúnadh uile na fuil na foimdin ar a m-buirbi & ar a n-aniardacht agus ar a n-amhainsi & ar a n-ingnathaighi, ar a n-gaircce, ar a n-gniomaighi agus ar a febas a n-ersclaighi. Agus in bail itát in cetracha curadh & in mile fer n-armach iccennairec friú, ní fagadh nech don mile imforgamh gona no buille ar a chele dioph la fortamlacht a n-eangnama & la feabas na hersclaighi ar sodain.



At annsa dia n-eccmaltaibh baramhail forra, ar Fergus, agus it use dia n-gnaithchibh. Teora rotha net sin, ar Fergus, tuicim-si as a tuarascbail. Aenfeacht at connarc-sa a samail sin, ar Fergus, .i. dia n-dechadh (-sa ar) aon re Daire iom giolla fo(glamma) i n-Espain, co ra bamar ic Esorb (.i. ic rig E)spaine, co n-dechamar socraidi (sloig co So)da .i. co rig n-Affraicthe, co tucsamh cath dona Cartagentsdaibh. Tainic samail doib-sin cucainn iccend in catha bail irra bamarne cet cath, agus tri fichit cet cecha catha. Rucastar an t-aonroth ar ccoscar uile, uair nach ra bamar ina n-oirchill. Agus as i a oircill poll talman bas lethne inás do denamh ara chionn & braflang fair & in cath alla cionn comar fris agus gan dula dia iondsaighe-siomh, conidh ietsom tuitis isin braflaing.





Rod fét Lebarcam dam-sa ic teacd tar Tailltin Ulaidh dia tabairt leo as an n-Germainn & trian loingsi Uladh fótha inenadbaidh, agus cualgae a n-anmann .i. cathbuailti, agus is andsom cach dodhaing daib-si sin, uair ce beth fir Erenn uile iccend catha friú, as ar feraib Erenn con maidfidhi. Otn-ocbat forra fri hairtriall catha no ca n-fuilgit gan iorgail. Is amlaidh beide co maidin anosa agus cach cetracha fer diobh timchiol i n-gliaidh fria aroile. Agus isí mo comairle-si daoibh-si, ar Fergus, leccidh dam-sa com trichait cet congbail friu, agus edlaigh-si as fo fedhaibh agus fo diamraibh na hErenn, agus na faghaid Ulaidh ibh i n-oenbhaile, agus regat-sa fom rémim i n-esimel. Atat fir doibh sunn, ar Medb. Bid tacair dib-si ón, ar Fearghus.




29. Tanic buden aile and dana sin tulaig cetna i Slemuin Mide, for Mac Roth, nad uatti tricho chét indi. Fianna feochra forderga. Fir gil glain guirm chorcarda. Monhga fata findbuidi. Gnúsi alle etroctai. Ruisc reilli rígdaidi. Étaige lígda lendmassa. Deilge órda airegda iar n-dótib dendglana. Lénti síti srebnaide. Slega gorma glainidi. Sceith buide bemnecha. Claidbi órduirn intlassi iarna sliastaib sudigthir. Ra-tas-triall brón buridach. Brónaig uile eochraidi. Torrsig rurig rígdaide. Dillechta in slóg sorchaide gan a comsid costadaig. imdíched a n-irúatha. Cia sút ale, bar Ailill ri Fergus. Ra-ta-fetammar ám ale, bar Fergus. At leomain londa sain, at glonna catha, tricha cét Maige Murthemne andsain. Is ed dos-gní cendcrom torsech n-anfálid can a ríg n-aurraindi eturru bhadessin, can Chainculaind costadaig coscaraig claidebdeirg cathbhuadaig.





Fail a mórabba ám dóib-sium sain, ar Medb, ciarsat cendchroimm torsig n-anfálid, ní fuil olc nar dernsamar riu. Ra-tas-airgsemar & ra-tas-indrisem o lúan tate samna co taite n-imboilg. Tucsam a mná & a meicc & a maccaémi, a n-eich & a n-echrada, a n-ailbi & a n-eíti & a n-indili. Barraeilseam a tailcha da n-éis go failet ina fántaib comtís comartai siat.




Ni thá ní nod máitte forro a Medb, bar Fergus. Daig ní dernais d'olcaib na dh'écoraib friu ní nar [dh]úrfuaith (.i. nar digail) toesech na degbhuidne ut fort, dáig atbhíth cach fert & cach lecht, cach lia & cach ligi fuil adíu go airther n-hErend, is fert & is lecht, is lia & is ligi do deglaech & do degóc arna tuttim ra degthoesech na buidne út. Bo chinmaír rissa n-gebat. Is mairg ar a tocherat. Bud leór leth catha do feraib hErend siat ac cosnam a tigerna isin chath sin matin-sea imbarach.



Atchuala-sa nuall mór and, for Mac Roth, risin cath aníar no risin cath anair. Garsa nuall sút ale, bar Ailill ri Fergus. Ra-ta-fetamar ám ale, bar Fergus. Cuchulaind sain ac tríall tiachtain docairt dochum in chatha, ga furmiáil ri fót foenlaige i Fiurt Sciach fa thuagaib & bhaccaib & réfedaib, & ni lecgat Ulaid ind é, arbíth a chned & a chrechta, daig ní hinchomlaind & ní hinchomraic aithle chomraic Fir diad.



Ba fír ám do Fergus aní sin. Ba se Cuchulaind sain ga furmíail ri fáet foenlige i Firt Sciath bha thuagaib & bhaccaib & réfedaib.

And-sain ra dechatar na da bhanchanti a dunud & longphurt fer n-hErend .i. Fethan & Collach, co m-bátar oc fáschúi & oc fásguba as chind Conculaind, ica innisin dó madma bar Ultaib & marbtha Conchobair & tuittmi Fergusa i frithguin.

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