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27a. Here Followeth The Muster of The Men of Erin

Here Followeth The Muster of The Men of Erin

The three Conarè from Sliab Mis, the three Lussen from Luachair, the three Niadchorb from Tilach Loiscthe, the three Doelfer from Deill, the three Damaltach from Dergderc, the three Buder from the Buas, the three Baeth from Buagnige, the three Buageltach from Mag Breg, the three Suibnè from the Siuir, the three Eochaid from Anè, the three Malleth from Loch Erne, the three Abatruad from Loch Ri, the three macAmra from Ess Ruaid, the three Fiacha from Fid Nemain, the three Manè from Muresc, the three Muredach from Mairg, the three Loegaire from Lecc Derg, the three Broduinde from the Berba, the three Bruchnech, from Cenn Abrat, the three Descertach from Druim Fornacht, the three Finn from Finnabair, the three Conall from Collamair, the three Carbre from Cliu, the three Manè from Mossa, the three Scathglan from Scairè, the three Echtath from Ercè, the three Trenfer from Taitè, the three Fintan from Femen, the three Rotanach from Rognè, the three Sarchorach from Suidè Lagen, the three Etarscel from Etarbane, the three Aed from Aidnè, the three Guarè from Gabal.

Then said Medb to Fergus: "It were truly a thing to boast of for thee, werest thou to use thy mightiness of battle without stint amongst us to-day, forasmuch as thou hast been driven out of thine own land and out of thine inheritance; amongst us hast thou found land and domain and inheritance, and much good-will hath been shown thee!"

Thereupon Fergus uttered this oath: "I swear," [et reliqua,] "necks of men I would break from necks of men, arms of men from arms of men, scalps of men from scalps of men, so that heads of men over shields would be as numerous with me as bits of ice on the miry stamping-ground between two dry fields that a king's horses would course on. Every limb of the Ulstermen would I send flying through the air before and behind me this day, if only I had my sword!"

At that Ailill spoke to his own charioteer, Ferloga, to wit: "Fetch me a quick sword that wounds the skin, O gilla," said Ailill. "I give my word, if its bloom and condition be the worse at thy hands this day than the day I gave it thee on the hillside of Cruachan Ai, though thou hadst the men of Erin and of Alba to rescue thee from me to-day, they would not all save thee!

Ferloga went his way, and he brought the sword with him in the flower of its safe-keeping, and fair flaming as a candle. And the sword was placed in Ailill's hand, and Ailill put it in Fergus' hand, and Fergus offered welcome to the sword: "Welcome, O Calad Colg ('Hardblade') Letè's sword!" said he. "Weary, O champion of Badb! On whom shall I ply this weapon?" Fergus asked. "On the men-of-war around thee," Medb answered. "No one shall find indulgence nor quarter from thee to-day, unless some friend of thy bosom find it!"

Whereupon, Fergus took his arms and went forward to the battle. Ailill seized his weapons. Medb seized her weapons and entered the battle, so that thrice the Ulstermen were routed before them from the north, till Cualgae and sword drove them back again.

Conchobar heard that from his place in the line of battle, that the battle had gone against him thrice from the north. Then he addressed his bodyguard, even the inner circle of the Red Branch: "Hold ye here a while, ye men!" cried he; "even in the line of battle where I am, that I may go and learn by whom the battle has been thus forced against us thrice from the north." Then said his household: "We will hold out," said they, "for the sky is above us and the earth underneath and the sea round about us, and unless the heavens shall fall with their showers of stars on the man-face of the world, or unless the furrowed, blue-bordered ocean break o'er the tufted brow of the earth, or unless the ground yawns open, will we not move a thumb's breadth backward from here till the very day of doom and of everlasting life, till thou come back to us!"

Conchobar went his way to the place where he heard the battle had gone three times against him from the north, and he lifted shield against shield there, namely against Fergus mac Roig, even Ochain ('the Fair-ear') of Conchobar with its four ears of gold and its four bracings of red gold. Therewith Fergus gave three stout blows of Badb on the Ochain of Conchobar, so that Conchobar's shield cried aloud. Whenever Conchobar's shield cried out, the shields of all the Ulstermen cried out. However great the strength and power with which Fergus smote Conchobar on the shield, so great also was the might and valour wherewith Conchobar held the shield, so that the ear of the shield did not even touch the ear of Conchobar.

"Hearken, ye men of Erin!" cried Fergus; "who opposes a shield to me to-day on this day of battle when four of the five grand provinces of Erin come together on Garech and Ilgarech in the battle of the Cattle-raid of Cualnge?" "A gilla that is younger and mightier than thyself is here," [Conchobar answered,] "and whose mother and father were better! The man that hath driven thee out of thy borders, thy land and thine inheritance; the man that hath driven thee into the lairs of the deer and the wild hare and the foxes; the man that hath not granted thee to take the breadth of thy foot of thine own domain or land; the man that hath made thee dependent upon the bounty of a woman; the man that of a time disgraced thee by slaying the three sons of Usnech that were under thy safeguard; the man that will repel thee this day in the presence of the men of Erin; Conchobar son of Fachtna Fathach son of Ross Ruad son of Rudraige, High King of Ulster and son of the High King of Erin!"

"Truly hath this happened to me," Fergus responded. And Fergus placed his two hands on Calad Colg, and he heaved a blow with it backwards behind him, so that its point touched the ground, and he thought to strike his three fateful blows of Badb on the men of Ulster, so that their dead would be more in number than their living. Cormac Conlongas son of Conchobar saw that and he rushed to Fergus and he closed his two royal hands over him. "Full of hate, not of friendship is this, O Fergus my master! Ungentle, not heedful is this, O Fergus my master! Let not the Ulstermen be slain and destroyed by thee through thy destructive blows, but take thou thought for their honour to-day on this day of battle!" "Get thee away from me, boy!" exclaimed Fergus; "for I will not remain alive unless I deliver my three fateful strokes of Badb on the men of Ulster this day, till their dead be more in number than their living."

"Then turn thy hand slantwise," said Cormac Conlongas, "and slice off the hill-tops over the heads of the hosts on every side and this will be an appeasing of thine anger." "Tell Conchobar also to fall back again to his place in the battle," [said Fergus.] So Conchobar went to his place in the battle.

Thus it was with that sword, which was the sword of Fergus: The sword of Fergus, the sword of Letè from Faery: Whenever he desired to strike with it, it became the size of a rainbow in the air. Thereupon Fergus turned his hand slantwise over the heads of the hosts, so that he smote the three tops of the three hills, so that they are still visible on the moor, and these are the three Maels ('the Balds') of Meath.

Now as regards Cuchulain. He heard the Ochain of Conchobar smitten by Fergus macRoig. "Come, O Laeg my master," cried Cuchulain: "who dares thus smite with those strong blows, mighty and far-away, the Ochain of Conchobar, and I alive?" [Then Laeg made answer, saying: "The choice of men, Fergus macRoig, the very bold, smites it:]

"Blood he sheds, increase of slaughter," said Laeg;

"Splendid the hero, Fergus macRoig!

Hidden had lain Fairyland's chariot-sword!

Battle now hath reached the shield,

Shield of my master Conchobar!"

"Quickly unloose the bands, gilla!" cried Cuchulain. Then Cuchulain gave a mighty spring, so that the bindings of his wounds flew from him to Mag Tuag ('the Plain of the Bows') in Connacht. His bracings went from him to Bacca ('the Props') in Corcomruad. The dry wisps that were stuffed in his wounds rose to the roof of the air and the sky as highest larks fly on a day of sunshine when there is no wind. Thereupon, his bloody wounds got the better of him, so that the ditches and furrows of the earth were full of streams of blood and torrents of gore.

This was the first exploit of valour that Cuchulain performed on rising out of his weakness: The two women lampoonists that made a feint of weeping and wailing over his head, Fethan and Collach to wit, he smote each of them against the head of the other, so that he was red with their blood and grey with their brains. His arms had not been left near him, except his chariot only. And he took his chariot on his back, and he set out to attack the men of Erin, and he smote them with the chariot, until he reached the place where Fergus macRoig was.

"Turn hither, O Fergus my master!" he cried. Fergus did not answer, for he heard not. He spoke again, "Turn hither, Fergus my master!" he cried; "and if thou turn not, I will grind thee as a mill grinds fresh grain; I will wash thee as a cup is washed in a tub; I will bind thee as the woodbine binds the trees; I will pounce on thee as hawk pounces on fledglings!" "Truly this is my lot!" spake Fergus. "Who of the men of Erin dares to address these stiff, vengeful words to me, where now the four grand provinces of Erin are met on Garech and Ilgarech in the battle of the Raid for the Kine of Cualnge?"

"Thy fosterling is before thee," he replied, "and fosterling of the men of Ulster and of Conchobar as well, Cuchulain son of Sualtaim. And thou didst promise to flee before me what time I should be wounded, in pools of gore and riddled in the battle of the Tain. For, I did flee before thee in thine own combat on the Tain."

Fergus gave ear to that, and he turned and made his three great strides of a hero back. And as he turned, there turned all the men of Erin. Then the men of Erin broke their ranks westwards over the hill. The battle raged around the men of Connacht. At midday Cuchulain came to the battle. At the time of sunset at the ninth hour, the last company of the men of Connacht fled in rout westwards over the hill. At that time there did not remain in Cuchulain's hand of the chariot but a handful of its spokes around the wheel, and a handbreadth of its poles around the shell, with the slaying and slaughtering of the four grand provinces of Erin during all that time.

Then Medb betook her to a shield-shelter in the rear of the men of Erin. Thereafter Medb sent off the Brown Bull of Cualnge along with fifty of his heifers and eight of her runners with him around to Cruachan, to the end that whoso might and whoso might not escape, the Brown Bull of Cualnge should get away safely, even as she had promised.

Then it was that the issue of blood came upon Medb, [and she said: "Do thou, Fergus, undertake] a shield-shelter in the rear of the men of Erin till I let my water flow from me." "By my troth," replied Fergus, "'tis an ill hour for thee to be taken so." "Howbeit there is no help for me," Medb answered; "for I shall not live if I do not void water!" Fergus accordingly came and raised a shield-shelter in the rear of the men of Erin. Medb voided her water, so that it made three large dikes, so that a [mill] could find room in each dike. Hence the place is known as Fual Medbha ('Medb's Water').

Cuchulain came upon her as she was thus engaged, on his way to the battle, and he did not attack her. He would not strike her a blow from behind. "I crave a boon of thee this day, O Cuchulain," spake Medb. "What boon cravest thou of me?" asked Cuchulain. "That this host be under thine honour and thy protection till they pass westwards over Ath Mor ('the Great Ford')." "Yea, I promise that," said Cuchulain. Then went Cuchulain around the men of Erin, and he undertook a shield-defence on one side of them, in order to protect the men of Erin. On the other side went the governors of the men of Erin. Medb went to her own place and assumed a shield-defence in the rear of the men of Erin, and in this manner they convoyed the men of Erin over Ath Mor westwards.

Then Cuchulain took his sword in his hand and gave a blow to the three bald-topped hills of Ath Luain over against the three Maela ('the Bald Tops') of Meath, so that he struck their three heads off them.

Then Fergus began to view the host as it went westwards of Ath Mor. "It was thus indeed it behoved this day to prove, for following in the lead of a woman." "Faults and feuds have met here to-day," said Medb to Fergus. "Betrayed and sold is this host to-day," [Fergus answered.] "And even as a brood-mare leads her foals into a land unknown, without a head to advise or give counsel before them, such is the plight of this host to-day."

Then Cuchulain turned to where Conchobar was with the nobles of Ulster before him. Conchobar bewailed and lamented Cuchulain, and then he uttered this lay:

"How is this, O Cualnge's Hound

Hero of the Red Branch, thou:

Great woe, champion, hast thou borne

Battling in thy land's defence!

"Every morn a hundred slain,
Every eve a hundred more
While the host purveyed thy fare
Feeding thee with cooling food!

"Five-score heroes of the hosts,
These I reckon are in graves.
While their women-- fair their hue--
Spend the night bewailing them!"

][No transcript from Windisch]

Trí Conaire Slebe Miss, tri Lussin Luachra, tri Niadchoirbb Tilcha Loiscthe, tri Dóelfir Dheille, tri Dámaltaig Dercderce, tri Buidir Bhúase, tri Baeith Bhuagnige, tri Búageltaig Breg, tri Suibne Siúre, tri Echdaig Áne, tri Malleith Locha Erne, trí Abratrúaid Locha Rí, tri Meic amra Essa Rúaid, tri Fiachaig Feda Némain, trí Mane Murisce, tri Muridaig Mairge, trí Loegaire Licci Derge, trí Broduindi Berba, tri Brúchnig Cind abrat, tri Descertaig Dromma Fornocta, tri Find Findabrach, tri Conaill Collomrach, tri Carpri Cliach, tri Mane Mossud, tri Scáthglain Scaire, tri Échtaig hErcce, tri Trénfir Táite, tri Fintain Femin, tri Rótanaig Raigne, tri Sarchoraig Suide Lagen, tri Etarsceoil Etarbane, tri hAeda Aidne, tri Guare Gabla.






Is and-sain atbert Medb ri Fergus: Ba bág ám dait-siu, ga dobertha do greimm catha gan díchill lind i(n)diu, daid rindarbbad as da chrích & as t'orbba, is acainne fuarais crích & ferand & forbba, & mormathius mor do denam fort.


Danam beth-sa mo chlaideb indiu ám, bar Fergus, ra tescfaitis lim-sa braigte fer for braigte fer, acus dóte fer for dote fer & forcléithe fer for forcleithe fer & cindu fer for óeib scíath, con bús lir bommanna ega eter dá ráeib tírib imríadat echraide ríg. Cach m-ball sair & siar acum-sa de Ultaib indiu, dhanam beth-sa mo chlaideb.



Is and atbert Ailill rá araid bhadessin .i. ra Fer loga: Dom-raiched craum-claideb choilles toind a gillai, bar Ailill. Nátiur-sa bhrethir, mad messu a bhláth na lessugud lett indiu é andá in lá tucus bar in littir i Cruachnaib Ái, da m-bet fir hErend & Alban acot t'anacul forom indiu, nít ainset uile.



Tanic Fer loga reime & tuc in claideb laiss bha búaid caintaisceda, & fo chaindilcháin-lassamain. Acus tucad in claideb illáim Ailella, acus tuc Ailill illáim Fergusa, acus firis Fergus fálte risin claideb: Mochen caladbolg claideb Leite, bar e-sium. Scíth á ái oenfir Bhodbha. Cia farsa n-immér-sa so, bar Fergus. Ar na slúagaib immut immacuaird, bar Medb. Na bered nech mathim na hanacul inniu uáit, mani bera firchara.



And-sain gebis Fergus a gasced & tanic reime don chath. Gebis Ailill a gasced. Gebis Medb a gaisced, acus tanic don chath. Co ro maid in cath fo thrí ríam rompo fathuaid, con dan-immart cual gae & claideb for culu doridisi.

Ra chuala Conchobar aní sin, airm i m-bae na inad chatha, in cath do maidm fo thrí ris atúaid. And-sain atbert-sium ra theglach bhadessin .i. ra crislach na Craebruade: Gebid-si seo bhic a firo, bar é-seom, .i. in t-inad ató-sa go tiasur-sa da fiss cia riasa maidend in cath fa thrí ruind atuáid bhán coir seo. And-sain atbert a theglach-sum: Gebmait-ni seo, bar iat-sum, daíg nem úasaind & talam ísaind & muir immuind immacuairt, mono thaéth in firmimint[ni] cona frossaib rétland for dunignúis in talman, nó mani thí in farggi eithrech ochargorm for tulmoing in bethad, nó ma(ni) mae in talam, ní béram-ni mod n-ordlaig secha so bar culu go brunni m-bratha & bhetha, go tisiu bar culu dorís chucaind.



Tanic Conchobar reme go airm i cuala in cath do maidm ba trí ris atúaid. Acus gebid scíath ra sciath and, .i. ra Fergus mac Róig, .i. in n-óchain Conchobair cona cethri óeib óir & cona cethri sethrachaib [do] derggóir. And-sain rabert Fergus tri balcbemmenda Bodba issin n-óchain Conchobair, go ro geis a scíath for Conchobar. A ra géised scíath Conchobair, ra géistis sceith Ulad uile. Gia ro bói da threisi & da tharpigi ra búail Fergus a sciath bar Conchobar, ra bói da chalmacht & da churatacht ra chongaib Conchobar in sciath, conna ra chomraic ó in scéith ra hó Conchobair cid itir.



Amae a firu, bar Fergus. Cia con congbathar scíath rim-sa indiu silló bhága sa, airm condrecgat cethri ollchoiceda hErend, bar Gárig & Ilgarig i cath tana bó Cualngi. Gilla iss ó & iss imláne and-so andae ale, & rap ferr mathair & athair, fer rat indarb át chrích & at ferand & at forbba, fer rat chuir i n-adba oss & fíadmíl & sinnach, fer na ra leic leithet da gabail bhadéin dit chrich na dit ferand dait, fer ratt chuir ar bantidnacul mna, fer rat sáraig im trib maccaib Usnig do marbad far th'einech fecht n-aill, fer rat dingébha indiu i fiadnaisi fer n-hErend, Conchobar mac Fachtna Fathaig meic Rossa Ruaid meic Rudraigi ardrí Ulad & mac ardríg hErend.





Immánic-sea ón omm, bar Fergus. Acus tuc Fergus a da láim ar in caladbolg & rabert béim de dar aiss síar go ró chomraic a fograin ri talmain, acus da mídhair a thrí bráthbemmenda Bodba da béim bar Ultaib, comtís lir ammairb anda a m-bí. Dachonnaic Cormac Condlonges mac Conchobair é-side. Acus rabert side d'findsaigid Fergusa & ra iad a dá láim thariss. Aicclech nad aicclech sain, a mo phopa Ferguis, naímdemail nad charddemail sain a mo phopa Ferguis. Anchellach nad anchellach sain a mo phopa Ferguis. Na marbhtar & na mudaigter lett Ulaid trí bhíthin do bráthbémmend[a], acht imráid a n-einech silló bága sa indiu. Scuich bhius (.i. uaim) a meic, bar Fergus. Dáig ní da beo-sa meni benur mo thrí brathbemmenda Bodba bar Ultaib indiu, gorsat lir ammairb andas a m-bí.


Tái do lám go faen ale, bhar Cormac Condlonges, & tesc na tilcha dar cendaib na slúag, & bud didnad dit feirg. Ráid ra Conchobar taét na inad catha dídu. Tanic Conchobar na inad catha.



Is amlaid ra bói (in) claideb sain, claideb Fergusa: Claideb Fergusa, claideb Leiti a sídib é: inn úair bha haill bhualad de no, ba metithir ra stúaig nimi i n-aéor é. Is and-sain taeiss Fergus a láim go fáen dar cendaib na sluag go ro thesc a trí cindu dina tri tulchaib, go failet sin ríasc bhad fiadnaisi, go rop íat na tri Maela Mide and-sain.


Imthusa Conculaind and-so innossa. Ra chuala saide in n-óchain Conchobair gá bualad d'Fergus ma Roig. Maith a mo phopa Laíg, bar Cuchulaind, cia con lindfadar in n-óchain mo phopa Chonchobair do thuarggain amlaid-seo & messi im bethaid.


Telggai boga fuile formach n-air ale, bar Laeg,

an fer Fergus mac Roig.

bacleth claideb carpait assídib.

Ra siacht eochraide mo phopa Conchobair cath.


Oslaic go troit tuaga a gillai, bar cuchulaind. And-sain focheird Cuchulaind moroscur de, collotar a thúaga de go Mag Túaga i Connactaib. Lotar a bhacca de go Bacca i Corcomrúad. Lotar na suipp sesca bátar na áltaib i cléthib aeóir & firmiminti feib issía thiagait uiss illó áille nad bhí gaéth. Ra gabsat a fuli ilgremma de, gor bo lána tairchlassa & eittrigi in talman da fulib & da gáeib cró.



Is é céternmas n-gascid daringni-sium ár n-érgi: na bhanchanti bátar ac faschúi & ac fásguba, .i. Fethan & Cholla, barressairg cách díb da chind araile, gor bho derg dá fuil & gor bo liath dá n-inchind. Ni fargbhad a arm na farrad-sum itir, acht a charpat ammain. Acus ra gab-sum a charpat re aiss & tanic reme d-indsaigid fer n-hErend, & ra gab da charpat forro, gorranic go airm i m-bái Fergus mac Róig.



Tae ille a mo phopa Ferguis, bar é-sium. Ni ra recair Fergus, ór ni chuala. Atubairt-sium arís. Tae ille a mo phopa Ferguis, bhar é-sium, ná mani thae ille, rat beliub mar meles muilend múadbhraich. Rat nigiub mar negair coipp a lundu (.i. lind usci). Rat nasciub mar nasces féith fidu. Ras lecub fort feib ras léic seig far mintu. Romm-ánic-sea ón omm, bar Fergus. Cia con linfadhar na balcbriathra Bodba so do ráda frim-sa airm condrecgat cethri coolchoiceda hErend for Gárig & Ilgarig i cath tanad bó Cualngi.


Do dalta-su and-so, bar é-sium, & dalta Ulad & Chochobair bhar chena, Cuchulaind mac Sualtaim. Acus ra gellaisiu teiched remum-sa inbaid bhad chrechtach crólinnech tretholl mhe for cath na tána, daíg ra thechiusa romut-sa ar do chomlond féin for tánaid.


Atchuala Fergus sain & ra impá, & tucastar a thrí coscommenda laechda lánmóra. Acus ó ra impa-sum ra impátar fir hErend uile. Da maid d'feraib hErend dar tilaig síar. Tarrassaid inn irgal im chend Connacht. Immedon lá tánic Cuchulaind dochum in chatha. Trath funid nóna da maid din bhudin dedenaig de Chonnactaib, dar tilaig síar. Nir dirúais dar charpat illáim Conculaind risin ráe sin, acht dorn dina bassaib immon roth & bass dina fertsib immon creitt, acht ic airlech & ic essargain cethri n-ollchoiced n-hErend risin ré sin.



And-sain geibis Medb scíath díten dar éis fer n-hErend. And-sain faítte Medb in dond Cualngu co cóica dá thsamascib imbe acus ochtor da hechlachaib leiss timchell co Cruachain. Gipe ra sossed gipé na rossed, go rossed in Dond Cualngi, feib ra gell si.


Is and drecgais a fúal fola for Meidb, .i. sciath díten dar éís fer n-hErend, go ro síblur-sa mh'fual úaim. Dar ar cubus, ar Fergus is olc in tráth & ní cóir a denam. Gided ní étaim-sea chena, bar Medb, daíg ni dha bheo-sa mení siblur-sa m-fúal uáim. Tanic Fergus & gebid scíath dítem dar éis fer n-hErend. Siblais Medb a fual uathi, co n-derna tri tulchlassa mora de, co taille munter in cach thurchlaiss, conid Fúal Medba atberar friss.




Ruc Cuchulaind furri ac dénam na huropra sain, & nirra gonastar-sum ní athgonad-sum na diaid hí. Ascaid dam-sa úait indiu a chuchulaind, bar Medb. Gia ascaid connaige, bar Cuchulaind. In slúag sa bar th-einech & ar do chommairgi gorrosset dar Áth mor síar. Gondnoim-sea ón omm, bar Cuchulaind. Tánic Cuchulaind i timchell fer n-hErend & gebis scíath diten din dara leith díb d'Imdegail fer n-hErend. Tancatar ferchutredaig fer n-hErend din leith aile. Tanic Bedb na hinad féin & gebis scíath diten dar éis fer n-hErend, & rucsat leo bhan coir sin fir hErend dar Áth mór siar.




And-sain diriacht a chlaideb d'indsaigid Conculaind, & rabert béim dona trib máelanaib Átha lúain i n-agid na trí Maela Mide, go ro ben a tri cindu díb.

And-sain ra gab Fergus ac tachim in t-slúaig ac dula a Áth Mór síar. Rapa chomadas in lá sa indiu ám i n-diaid mná. Conrecat lochta ra fulachta and-so indiu ra Fergus. Ra gattá & ra brattá in slúag sa indiu. Feib théit echrad láir rena serrgraig i crích n-anéoil, gan chend cundraid na comairle rempo, is amlaid testa in sluag sa indiu.


Iarsin impais Cuchulainn go hairm aroibhe Conchubhar agus maithe Uladh ar a chenn. Ro bhi Conchubhar ag egáine & ag airciseacht Concculainn ann-sin, & itbert an láoidh ann:

Cinnus sin a Chú Chúailgne,

a churaidh na Craoibhruaidhe,

fuarais mor d'ulc fir

ag imdheagail an chuigidh.

Ro mharbhais cét gach maidne
is cét im thrath teirte,
ré taoibh ambitha don t-sluagh
do bhíudh is dét fionnfuar.

Cuicc fichit dona sluaghaibh
do bheirim iatt anuaghadh,
ré taoibh amban, caomh a lí,
do beith gach n-oidhche ga caoi.

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