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8e. The Killing Of Uala

The Killing Of Uala

Early on the morrow the hosts continued their way to Glaiss Cruinn ('Cronn's Stream'). And they attempted the stream and failed to cross it. And Cluain Carpat ('Chariot-meadow') is the name of the first place where they reached it. This is why Cluain Carpat is the name of that place, because of the hundred chariots which the river carried away from them to the sea.

Medb ordered her people that one of the warriors should go try the river. And on the morrow there arose a great, stout, wonderful warrior of the particular people of Medb and Ailill, Uala by name, and he took on his back a massy rock, to the end that Glaiss Cruinn might not carry him back. And he went to essay the stream, and the stream threw him back dead, lifeless, with his stone on his back and so he was drowned. Medb ordered' that he be lifted out of the river and his grave dug and his stone raised over his grave, so that it is thence Lia Ualann ('Uala's Stone') on the road near the stream in the land of Cualnge.

Cuchulain clung close to the hosts that day provoking them to encounter and combat. And he slew a hundred of their armed, kinglike warriors around Roen and Roi, the two chroniclers of the Táin.

Medb called upon her people to go meet Cuchulain in encounter and combat for the sake of the hosts. "It will not be I," and "It will not be I," spake each and every one from his place. "No caitiff is due from my people. Even though one should be due, it is not I would go to oppose Cuchulain, for no easy thing is it to do battle with him."

The hosts kept their way along the river, being unable to cross it, till they reached the place where the river rises out of the mountains, and, had they wished it, they would have gone between the river and the mountain, but Medb would not allow it, so they had to dig and hollow out the mountain before her in order that their trace might remain there forever and that it might be for a shame and reproach to Ulster. And Bernais ('the Gap') of the Foray of Cualnge is another name for the place ever since, for it is through it the drove afterwards passed.

The warriors of the four grand provinces of Erin pitched camp and took quarters that night at Belat Aileain ('the Island's Crossway'). Belat Aileain was its name up to then, but Glenn Tail ('Glen of Shedding') is henceforth its name because of the abundance of curds and of milk and of new warm milk which the droves of cattle and the flocks yielded there that night for the men of Erin. And Liasa Liac ('Stone Sheds') is another name for it to this day, and it is for this it bears that name, for it is there that the men of Erin raised cattle-stalls and byres for their herds and droves

The four of the five grand provinces of Erin took up the march until they reached the Sechair in the west on the morrow. Sechair was the name of the river hitherto; Glaiss Gatlaig ('Osier-water') is its name henceforward. Now this is the reason it had that name, for it was in osiers and ropes that the men of Erin brought their flocks and droves over across it, and the entire host let the osiers and ropes drift with the stream after crossing. Hence the name, Glaiss Gatlaig.

Aided Ualand

Lotar na sloig arnabarach go rancatar Glaiss Crund. Ocus barrobratar in n-Glassi & forfemdetar a techt. Ocus Cluain Carpat comainm in chetinaid áit mal connarnectar. Is de dietá Cluain Carpat forsin dú sin, ar bith cet carpat ruc in Glassi díb co muir.



Radis Medb fria muntir ar eo n-digsed láech dib dó fromad na haba. Ocus atraacht oenlaéch prosta mór di muntir Medba, hUal a chomainm, & gebis nertlia cloche fria ais & dothaét-aide dia fromad na Glassi, & focheird in Glaiss for culu é marb cen anmain, a lia for druim. Rádis Medb ar co tucthá anís & ar a claitte a fert & ara tuargabtha a lía, conid de atá Lia Ualand i crich Cualnge.




Lilis Cuchulaind co mór de na sluagaib in lá sain ic iarair comraic & comluind forru, & marbais cét laéch díb, im Róen & im Rói, im dá senchaid na tána.

Radis Medb fria muntir ara tiastais i comruc & i comlund fri Coinculaind. Ni ba meisi, & ní ba me, ar cách assa magin. Ní dlegar cimmid dom muntir. Gia no dlestea, ní me no ragad i n-agid Conculaind, daíg ní reid comrac ris.


Tancatar na sluaig fri taeb na Glassi, dáig fos-remdetar a techt, go rancatar airm i taét in Glassi assin t-sliab, & da m-bad áil dóib, bacóistís etir in Glassi & in sliab, acht ní arlacair Medb, acht in sliab do chlaidi & do letrad rempi, co m-bad ail & co m-bad athis for Ultaib. Ocus conic Bernais Tana bo Cualnge ainm inn inaid o sain, dáig taris rucad in tain iartain.



Gabsat cethri ollchoiceda hErend dunad & longphort inn aidchi sin ic Belut Aileáin. Belat Aileain a ainm connici sain, Glend Táil immorro a ainm o sain, ar a mét ra thálsat na halma & na immirgi a loim & a lacht and do feraib hErend. Ocus Liasa Liac ainm aile dó, ar is de atá in t-ainm fair, ar is and ro sáidset fir hErend less & machad dia n-almaib & dia n-immirgib.



ancatar cethri ollchoiceda hErend co rancatar inní co Sechair. Sechair a ainm na aband cosin. Glass Gatlaig a ainm o sain. Is de dana atá in t-ainm furri, i n-gataib & rooib tucsat fir hErend a n-alma & a n-immirgi tarsi, & leicset na slúaig uile a n-gait & a roe lasin n-glais, iar tiachtain tarsi. Is assain ainm Glaiss Gatlaig.

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